Aug 14: The Waw with Novelist Jacqueline Gay Walley

“There are people who do not settle in one place, but are like the nomadic tribes of the desert, longing for the Waw, the ultimate oasis, where they will finally be home.”
So begins Jacqueline Gay Walley’s novel, THE WAW, where a woman leaves behind everything she knows in her New York life to follow the dream of living in a small English town by the sea and finding her tribe.
Jacqueline Gay Walley shares a peek into her writing process and the inspiration for THE WAW. She discusses why she chose to keep her narrator anonymous. The challenges her protagonist faces. How Jacqueline selects her projects, her favorite scenes to write, and why she says always write from the heart.
Meet Author Jaqueline Gay Walley
Jacqueline Gay Walley has published eight novels. She has written plays (shown in New York and London) and has released two films based on her books. Her film The Erotic Fire of the Unattainable was selected by six international film festivals and now plays on Amazon Prime. Born in London and raised in Montreal, Jacqueline lives in New York where she coaches writing, edits, and ghostwrites.
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