Lisa Jackson has made serial murder her business, putting her favorite creations up to their necks in danger, staring a (usually) pretty gory death right in the face. This prolific writer is a mainstay on some of the nation’s top bestseller lists, including the NY Times, USA Today, and Publisher’s Weekly. Today Vicki discovers how Jackson went from being a struggling mom to a bestselling novelist!
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Lisa Jackson can’t keep away from murderers, especially serial killers. She’s been helping to kill people all across the nation, from Savannah to right here in the Pacific Northwest! It’s been a worthwhile mission, as her loyal readers return again and again, keeping her name as a fixture on bestseller lists. Struggling to keep food on the table, Lisa began writing at the urging of her sister, novelist Nancy Bush. For a while they worked together quite successfully, but Lisa’s inclination for darker stories set them off on different paths. As those who know her would attest, she enjoys making the hair stand up on the back of her reader’s necks! Afraid To Die and You Don’t Want To Know are her most recent releases, and in the coming months Confessions and Unspoken are soon to follow! Lisa Jackson is an amazing writer, a workaholic, and still finds time to be a dedicated daughter and mom!
In the spring of 2005, cardiologist Barbara Natterson-Horowitz was called to consult on an unusual patient: an Emperor tamarin at the Los Angeles Zoo. While examining the tiny monkey’s sick heart, she learned that wild animals can die of a form of cardiac arrest brought on by extreme emotional stress. It was a syndrome identical to a human condition but which veterinarians called by a different name—and treated in innovative ways. This case led her on a journey in which she discovered astonishing medical connections between the human and animal worlds. Joining forces with science journalist Kathryn Bowers, Natterson-Horowitz employs fascinating case studies and meticulous scholarship to present a revelatory understanding of what animals can teach us about the human body and mind. “Zoobiquity” is the term the authors have coined to refer to a new, species-spanning approach to health. Delving into evolution, anthropology, sociology, biology, veterinary science, and zoology, they break down the walls between disciplines, redefining the boundaries of medicine.
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