Today’s show will be a fun one featuring three guests who love what they do!
The American Heritage Dictionary has announced an update for 2015 introducing hundreds of new words. Executive Editor Steve Kleinedler joins Vicki today to discuss any “listicles” she may have made, while drinking his beverage using a “zarf” and doing his best to not “humblebrag.”
Sue Aikens lives a life of solitude, her address being a GPS coordinate 197 miles north of the Arctic Circle, her nearest neighbor being 300 miles away save for the dozens of Grizzlies that reside within a 10 mile radius. But being subject of National Geographic’s Life Below Zero has bought her story back to civilization. Find out why would someone who deliberately lives off the grid would allow a tv camera crew to invade her space.
Finally, cheesemonger Gordon Edgar is here to discuss Cheddar: A Journey to the Heart of America’s Most Iconic Cheese, a humorous and insightful and… wait for it… cheesy look at a staple of the nation’s diet.
Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair airs each Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
The American Heritage Dictionary recently announced it’s 2015 end of the year updates and revisions, and including are hundreds of new words and senses. Executive Editor Steve Kleinedler joins us to help differentiate between a bimibop and a glera, explain what a toe sock is, and why you should be worried about a doxx or a percutaneous coronary intervention!
Sue Aikens lives 197 miles north of the Arctic Circle at the Kavik River Camp, where nine months of the year she is the sole resident, with only a family of foxes and a retired sled dog to keep her company. She returns to Conversations Live today to give us an update from her life of solitude, and expand on her reasons for allowing the intrusion of a camera crew from National Geographic’s Life Below Zero to chronicle how she passes her days.
Cheddar: A Journey to the Heart of America’s Most Iconic Cheese by cheesemonger and author Gordon Edgar is a fun and engaging ramble through cheddar’s time in the US that looks to sate curious minds and hungry bodies with plenty to chew on and enjoy, from cheddar’s origin story to a road trip to the cheese’s American hotspots.
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