Full of international escapades, unforeseen disasters, and new-world twists on old-world secrets, Seasons Among the Vines: Life Lessons from the California Wine Country and Paris paints a picture of flourishing and following a dream even after suffering a great loss, as author Paula Moulton embarked on her journey nearly 10 years after her husband was killed in a car accident. Also today, Seattle’s Dr. Jeffrey Bland introduces us to Healthcare 2.0 in The Disease Delusion… and how his healthcare model opens the door to conquering chronic disease!
Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair airs each Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
Nearly ten years after her husband was killed in a car accident and three days before the 2003 release of the first edition of Seasons Among the Vines: Life Lessons from the California Wine Country and Paris, author Paula Moulton took a risk and enrolled in a wine management program at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. The second edition of her book details the adventures that ensue as she struggles to cope with the rigors of the French academic system, life as a cellar rat in Bergerac, and an internship as a sommelier at a prestigious restaurant. Paula is the CEO of A Sip Away, a viticulturist and award-winning winemaker with over 25 years in the business.
We are living in an era of chronic disease, but according to Seattle area biochemist Dr. Jeffrey Bland we no longer need to be. In The Disease Delusion, Dr. Bland notes that science has opened the door for a new kind of healthcare which can be practiced by everyone, providing a way to conquer the causes of these debilitating conditions rather than treating the symptoms with pills. Dr. Bland is an internationally recognized leader in nutritional medicine and is known for his ability to simplify complex scientific concepts to make them personable and accessible.
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