Elevate your performance and propel yourself along the path to growth and permanent change with business coaches Howard Guttman and Jay A. Block!
Whether you are reaching for the stars or just taking your game up a notch, Howard Guttman’s Coach Yourself To Win is for you. With his unique 7-step self-coaching process, Howard has helped elevate the game of hundreds of executives over the last twenty years. He uses down-to-earth language, explaining the what, why, and how of each step, using real-life examples to illustrate his points.
Award-winning executive coach Jay A. Block is the best-selling author of 101 Best Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times. The book outlines a 5-step process for landing a job at the pay level you deserve, whether there is a recession or not! The Jay Block Companies proven success with his career management techniques are evident as he is a consultant and trainer to the Department of Labor and Workforce Systems.
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