Do financial worries keep you awake at night? Have you given up hope of ever getting out of debt? Do you fear bankruptcy is around the corner? Mitchell Allen joins Vicki to offer practical solutions – including solving credit problems on your own, tips for dealing with creditors, the facts-myths of bankruptcy, and how to emerge from the bleakness of despair and build a financially secure life. .

Mitchell L. Allen is the founder, president, and chairman of Debt Education and Certification Foundation – – a leading provider of personal debt management courses. Courses he helped develop have been used in over 200,000 counseling sessions, and he has personally conducted more than 1,000 interviews with individuals in financial crisis.

Mitchell previously worked for Citigroup and The Associates Financial Corporation as senior director of modeling, where he led a team of economists and statisticians in developing statistical models to predict response, risk, and fraud within various private label credit card portfolios. His new book is The Survival Guide to Debt.

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