Many situations can lead to heartbreak, but whether you want to mend your own broken heart, or help someone mend theirs, Russell Friedman debunks the traditional 5-step grieving process and sheds new light on how to move past loss. Tim Link shares his favorite animal communication stories.
The Grief Recovery Handbook is described as The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses. Russell Friedman joins us to share his insights … many that defy the traditional theories about grief and mourning. Friedman has spent 30 years helping people heal their broken hearts and has established more than 2500 Grief Recovery Outreach programs throughout the world.
Later, we’ve all heard about the healing power of a pet that we love. And while many people have a special bond with animals, few have the ability to understand their innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. Author Tim Link claims to be able to do just that. In his new book, Wagging Tales, the author and Reiki energy healer details some of his most dramatic and moving encounters with the animal kingdom – from helping a lost cat find her way home, to comforting a Catalan sheepdog after back surgery.
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