Is the sub-conscious world of your dreams the path to how you really feel? The Dream Detective Mimi Pettibone returns today to discuss what the juicy details of your secret dreams reveal! If you have a dream you would like analyzed, send details using the Contact Page, or to the Conversations Live Facebook page! But first, Vicki is joined by global business leader Jacqui Dunne to discuss how a new form of currency can alleviate our financial problems!
Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair airs every Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Follow Vicki throughout the rest of the week on Twitter, and get exclusive updates to Conversations Live on our Facebook page!
The Dream Detective returns to Conversations Live just in time for Valentine’s week! In the spirit of the holiday of the heart, she will be reviewing issues such as romantic and sensual dreams, same sex dreams and why they occur and what they mean (regardless of your orientation), if dreaming of someone other than your partner is a sign of trouble, and much more! Send your dreams to the Conversations Live Facebook page via comment, or using the Contact Page (anonomously if you wish) and let the Dream Detective take a stab at your innermost desires! Mimi Pettibone draws on her own experiences and those of experts in neuroscience and cellular biology to create an astonishing ability to interpret and use the information contained in dreams to help impact positive life changes!
Award-winning journalist and global business leader Jacqui Dunne teams up with world-reknowned financial and currency expert (and co-designer of the Euro) Bernard Lietar as co-authors of Rethinking Money. This groundbreaking book lifts the veil on the mystery of money, identifying what it is, why it causes problems, and how a new currency system can help to create a sustainable and prosperous world. Click here for more information on their Town Hall Civics series presentation on Wednesday, March 20th, right here in Seattle!
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