Today Vicki begins with Michael Linenberger about his cutting-edge three part solution to mastering your overwhelming workday. Then our resident Dream Coach Joyce Chapman challenges you to create a new belief system. Finally, business survival expert Roy Osing discusses his latest work.
Michael Linenberger’s new book Master Your Workday Now! is the latest in a line of works that have proven to help increase productivity and efficiency through time management and organization. It features a three part process that helps you control your current workload, create attainable goals, and finally connect your work with who you are for optimum satisfaction!
Dream Coach Joyce Chapman feels that if you challenge your belief system, you can empower your dreams! With a masters degree in counseling psychology, Joyce has encouraged thousands of people to a better way of life through her books, public appearances, and private consultations.
Roy Osing contends it has never been more important to carve out a unique and distinctive place for your organization than it is today. He wrote Be Different or Be Dead to help your business thrive in today’s ultra-competitve marketing environment.
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