Steve McClatchy, New York Times Bestselling author of Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress and Lead by Example joins us today to discuss the ‘art’ of reversing burnout, including why one of the first steps you should take is to banish balance.
October was National Bully Prevention Month but it’s never too late to put a stop to bullying. We welcome Andrew Faas to speak on his work in The Bully’s Trap, which focuses on the first ever U.S. study on workplace wellness and the surprising results.
Many of us suspect that the funeral industry is guilty of gouging the bereaved, and in Greening Death: Reclaiming Burial Practices and Restoring our Tie to the Earth author Suzanne Kelly Ph.D. looks at how standard burial practices harm the environment, and examines some possible solutions.
Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair airs each Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
Who hasn’t been burned out at some point, from work, stress from home life, bills, holidays, etc.? Steve McClatchy wrote Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress and Lead by Example to help readers battle and banish burnout. Some of the methods he suggests include NOT achieving balance, as he explains feeling like you are balancing everything out is more important than actually doing it. Finding satisfaction and seeking success are the other cornerstones to putting burnout behind you and living a stress free life. President of Alleer Training and Consulting, Steve is hired by Fortune 500 companies, professional sports teams and non-profits to improve performance in the areas of leadership, time management, decision-making, personal growth and work/life balance.
In a startling result, the first-ever U.S. Study on workplace wellness found that 80 percent of people would rather work alone due to unhelpful or hostile work environments. Andrew Faas used his nonprofit Faas Foundation launched the Initiative to Create Psychologically Healthy Workplaces to explore bullying and wellness in the workplace and to create methods to assess psychological health and eliminate unnecessary stress factors. As someone who was retaliated against after blowing the whistle on a corrupt executive, I have firsthand knowledge of the devastating effects of an unhealthy workplace,” said Faas, who explores the matter further in The Bully’s Trap.
Greening Death: Reclaiming Burial Practices and Restoring our Tie to the Earth by Suzanne Kelly Ph.D. takes a solemn look at the standard burial practices we have conformed with for decades to determine if this over $15 billion industry is harming the environment, and explores some possible alternatives to help us reclaim our ties to the Earth. Kelly is an independent scholar whose work spans the topics of the environment, feminism, sex, and death.
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