JAN 07: Robyn Carr’s The Best of Us & Matthew Dicks’ Storyworthy
Robyn Carr began writing novels as a young mother of two, ignoring harsh criticism from a peer suggesting she find another line of work and persevering to become an eleven time New York Times bestselling author. “There’s a need for positive drama,” she says, “Not just (a) goody-two-shoes, everything-is-beautiful kind of story, but a kind of story where characters serve as positive role models for women who read the books.” Her new book is the latest in her Sullivan’s
Crossing series, The Best of Us.
Robyn has written over 40 novels, has received a Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award, and has a scripted drama with Netflix coming soon.
Next, Vicki chats with one of her favorite storytellers, Matthew Dicks, whose book Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling offers tips and techniques to polish your storytelling to hold any audience’s attention, big or small!
Matthew is a 35-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 6-time Moth GrandSLAM champion. He’s an international bestseller, and in addition to his novels he has written musicals, a rock opera, and comic books.
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