From gluten-free pasta to coconut jam, from pheasant sausages with cognac to kangaroo medallions, Marx Foods is now open to the public. CEO Justin Marx joins Vicki today to chat about how he got his business off the ground, and how he has managed to thrive in today’s economy.
Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair airs every Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM and 94.9FM HD. Follow Vicki on Twitter and get your Conversations Live fix throughout the week on our Facebook page!
Marx Foods is all at once innovative, unorthodox, and hugely successful, yet CEO Justin Marx remains humble and grounded. In fact, give them a call and not only will an actual person answer the phone (usually within three rings), they will discuss recipes, food advice, and their products at length. Exemplary customer service paired with both traditional and exotic products and services has helped Marx to build and grow his business in an unfavorable economy. Learn how he has turned this simple formula into one of Seattle’s most exciting food experiences!
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