Jul 31: Matthew Dicks – Strategies from a Master Storyteller
Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Your Brand

Today’s guest has many talents and accolades. But regardless of what Matthew Dicks is doing – teaching high school students, writing books or Moth GrandSLAM talks, giving keynote speeches, consulting with Fortune 500 clients, even hosting as a wedding DJ – he says ” … the heart of it revolves around story.”
That’s what we discuss in Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Your Brand.
Matthew shares how to differentiate between a romp and a story. Why you should keep a story bank, and how Matthew builds his. Why most companies, salespeople, and marketers get storytelling wrong, and why you should focus first on story, then purpose. What makes a 5-second Moment. How to avoid death by PowerPoint. Why But and However help to transition story scenes, but And doesn’t. When to risk introducing humor and why … and much more.
Meet Matthew Dicks – Bestselling Author, Moth StorySLAM & GrandSLAM Champion
Matthew Dicks is the internationally bestselling author of several novels, including Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend, and Something Missing. His nonfiction titles include books we’ve discussed on the show before: Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling. Someday is Today: 22 Simple Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life. And his latest, Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and our Brand. Matthew Dicks is a 56-time Moth StorySLAM Champion, and a 9-time GrandSLAM Champion, whose stories have been featured on the nationally syndicated Moth Radio Hour. His stories have also appeared on PBS’ Stories From the Stage.
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