FEB 22: How to Gain Emotional Freedom with Thomas Sterner
It’s Just A Thought: Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking

Today’s 24-hour news cycles, smart phones, and constant digital connection have made it difficult for many of us to quiet our minds and focus, or even relax. In fact, many of us spend as much as 95% of time on autopilot, simply auto-responding vs thinking. Which leads to our discussion today and how Thomas Sterner can help us “think vs being thought.”
The skills Tom teaches prove we’re not the thoughts and emotions that often overwhelm us — and that we have the power to connect to who we really are, and achieve what we really want. We look at the relationship between heart and brain. Explore how our conscious vs subconscious minds interact. And how to recognize unhelpful historical and present-day programming.
About Thomas M. Sterner
The founder and CEO of the Practicing Mind Institute, Thomas Sterner is a successful entrepreneur, and an expert in present moment functioning, PMF™. As a speaker and coach, he works with high-performance industry groups and individuals, including athletes, coaches, and CEOs. The author of The Practicing Mind and Fully Engaged, Tom’s new book is It’s Just A Thought: Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking.
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