

Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Self-help

Oct. 16: Feel, Heal & Let That Sh*t Go with Rachel Kaplan

Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love

Feel, Heal, and Let That Sh*t Go with author Rachel Kaplan

We’re living in a cultural time where people are finally okay with talking about feeling their feelings. “But,” says psychotherapist Rachel Kaplan, “too many of us don’t know how.”

Today we share insights from Rachel Kaplan’s new book Feel, Heal & Let That Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love. Rachel’s unique approach to self-care and personal transformation? Emotional Potty Training™ (EPT).

We explore what EPT is and how it teaches us to feel our emotions by moving them through our body as nature intended. Rachel shares the difference between Reactive vs. Proactive Emotional Release work. How to rethink conditioning around our self-worth. How to customize our lives. How to deal with shame and fear. And how to check in with ourselves, to avoid backsliding.

Meet Rachel Kaplan, MA, MFT

Rachel Kaplan, author of Feel, Heal & Let That Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love, is a licensed psychotherapist with a thriving practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Creator and host of the Healing Feeling Sh*t Show, she’s studied yoga, meditation, and alternative hands-on healing practices in India and Nepal, earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and trained in cutting-edge trauma modalities such as EMDR.

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Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Non Fiction, Psychology

Jul 03: Sue Van Raes Defines Food & Freedom

Discover Your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think, and Live Well

Food and Freedom with author Sue Van Raes

Sue Van Raes helps break through some of the misinformation and disinformation around our biochemistry, metabolism, and what that really means to us and our health – emotional, mental, and physical.

She says while most people blame food for their weight issues, food is actually a symptom. We discuss why embodied eating is important, and what that means. How aligned action benefits us. Where resistance shows up. How eating with your soul improves your life, and the best ways to overcome food coping skills such as comfort eating, food restriction, and food perfectionism.

Meet Sue Van Raes

The author of Food and Freedom: Discover Your Recipe to Eat, Think, and Live Well, Sue Van Raes is a functional nutritionist, food psychology specialist, and psycho-spiritual practitioner dedicated to helping women (and men) transform the way they eat, think, and live. Her work is featured in numerous publications including People magazine, Chopra, Livestrong, and Reader’s Digest. More about Sue at Boulder Nutrition.

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Health & Wellness, Nature, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Science, Self-help

Jun 05: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Burnout – Why Mother Nature May Be Your Best Cure

Nature Calls Us Home To Our True Selves. She reminds us that we are … intimately connected … beautifully unique.” ~ Dr. Rochelle Calvert

While it saves us time in some ways, today’s digital world also demands more of us – from self-managed online accounts, form-filling, and appointment setting, to 24/7 business emails, DMs, IMs, texts, meetings, presentations … the list goes on.

Add to that the trauma of stressful life situations, ever-increasing living costs, job struggles, job losses, toxic work environments, and longer working hours, and Americans around the country are experiencing more PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and depression than ever before.

Dr. Rochelle Calvert, author of Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma, says combining nature with mindfulness and somatic practices can often be THE best prescription. She helps us unpack the science behind these therapies and explore the benefits provided – free of cost – by Mother Nature’s Rx. We also share how to incorporate simple therapeutic practices into everyday life.

Meet Dr. Rochelle Calvert

A clinical psychologist, Rochelle Calvert, PhD, specializes in life transitions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, and pain. She’s the founder of New Mindful Life, with a private practice in California. An expert on mindfulness, nature-based therapy, and somatic experiencing, Rochelle’s book is Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Relationships, Self-help

Feb 28: Love Hacks for The 15 Most Common Relationship Issues with Kelli Miller

Bite-size nuggets of wisdom to quickly regain connection & love long-term

Love Hacks with author Kelli Miller

Based on her in-depth experience working with couples and individuals, Kelli Miller joins us to discuss her latest book, Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues.

We discuss some of the most common issues among couples – from My Partner Doesn’t Listen to Me, There’s Too Much Anger Between Us, to Overcoming Cultural Differences, Developing Trust After Infidelity, Social Media Interference, Relationship Cornerstones, and When to Call It Quits.

Meet Kelli Miller

Kelli Miller, LCSW, MSW is a psychotherapist, TV/radio host, and the award-winning author of Thriving with ADHD: A Workbook for Kids. She is a writer and relationship host for, and a relationship host for Balance By Nature TV. Kelli was a co-host on LA Talk Radio, and an expert radio personality for SIRIUS/XM Radio. She’s been featured on many local and national media channels, and in numerous publications. Her latest book is Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues.

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Personal Development, Professional Development, Psychology, Self-help

Feb 14: Stay Calm, Clear, Focused Under Pressure with Dr. Dana Sinclair

Dialed In: Do Your Best When It Matters Most

Dialed In: Do Your Best When It Matter Most with author Dr. Dana Sinclair

Performance psychologist Dr. Dana Sinclair joins us with Dialed In – Do Your Best When It Matters Most, her unique brass-tacks guide to managing our emotions and performing well under pressure.

We discuss common myths and bad advice around performance, as well as helpful habits and routines, versus superstitions.

Dr. Dana also shares her views on why motivation is overrated, how to identify our own performance style, the importance of daydreaming, making a plan, and why character is better than talent.

Meet Dr. Dana Sinclair

Dr Dana Sinclair is a registered psychologist, holding doctorates from the University of Cambridge and the University of Ottawa. She’s a founder and partner of Human Performance International, a Toronto based management consultancy. A former athlete herself, she’s worked with elite athletes to help them achieve peak performance in professional hockey, baseball, basketball, and football for more than 20 years. She also works with surgeons and high-level medical and corporate organizations. Dr. Sinclair is a clinical assistant professor with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.

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Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science, Self-help

Feb 07: The Busy Brain Cure with Dr Romie Mushtaq

Stuck on the work, sleep, work cycle? Dr Romie’s 8 week plan to find focus, tame anxiety, & sleep again.

The Busy Brain Cure with author Dr. Romie Mushtaq

Many of us wear stress as a badge of honor, but the reality is that chronic stress kills. Just ask Dr. Romie Mushtaq who suffered major career burnout, while simultaneously undergoing life-saving surgery.

As a brain doctor, she says she should have known better. But her wake-up call set Dr. Romie on a global journey to research and heal the negative impacts of stress responses on our brains, bodies, and teams. The Busy Brain Cure: The Eight Week Plan to Find Focus, Tame Anxiety, & Sleep Again takes an integrated approach to reduce stress, avoid burnout, and live with zest.

Learn why you should ditch diets, forget cleanses, and occasionally embrace certain comfort foods to combat stress. We discuss how to overcome the stimulant-sedative cycle, reduce dependence on caffeine by day and sleep aids at night. And Dr. Romie shares how to heal the root cause of ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia without addictive medications.

About Dr. Romie Mushtaq

Dr. Romie is a board-certified physician, award-winning wellness speaker, and the founder of brainSHIFT. She combines over 20 years of authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness to deliver programs and create cultural change. Dr. Romie currently speaks and consults for Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes, & global associations. She is also the Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) for Great Wolf Lodge. And was formerly the CWO for Evolution Hospitality, where she scaled a mindfulness & wellness program for over 7,000 employees. Her expertise is featured in the national media, such as NPR, NBC, TED talks, and Forbes.

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Health & Wellness, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Self-help

Help for Sensitive People in Today’s Turbulent World with Dr. Judith Orloff

Dr Judith Orloff Empath's Survival GuideThe Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies

If you find yourself turning off the news, avoiding certain people, or declining events simply because you can’t cope with one more thing, Dr. Judith Orloff gets you.

Speaking personally as a high-empath, and professionally as a licensed psychiatrist, Dr. Orloff feels your pain and understands firsthand how being sensitive can lead to anxiety, stress, and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Today we share how to tell what kind of empath you are and what that means. Dr. Orloff highlights the different experiences between introvert and extrovert empaths. We discuss the neuroscience behind empaths that  shows why some people feel things more than others. How to rise above self-medication (think, food, alchohol, and other substances}. And we share easy solutions to help combat toxic energy.

About Judith Orloff, MD

Dr Judith Orloff is the New York Times bestselling author of The Empath’s Survival Guide and Thriving as an Empath. A psychiatrist in private practice, and a member of the psychiatric clinical faculty at UCLA where she specializes in treating highly sensitive people and empaths, Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured by The Today Show, Oprah Magazine, and The New York Times.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Self-help

Jul 19: Say It Out Loud with Vasavi Kumar

Find Your Voice and Pursue Your Dreams

Podcast: Say It Out Loud with author Vasavi Kumar

She’s not your typical coach or licensed therapist. Her methods are rooted in science and Eastern mindfulness, mixed with a little sass, and a whole lot of passion. Vasavi Kumar joins us to share some of her techniques and practices to help you discover your bigger, bolder self.

We discuss how to come back home to yourself, and what that means. Why Vasavi says you must stop intellectualizing and packaging your feelings. How to use firm gentleness when voicing resistance. And Vasvai’s top three self-comforting practices.

About Vasavi Kumar

In addition to being a licensed therapist and coach, Vasavi Kumar is a voiceover artist, host, trainer, and author. Say It Out Loud: Using the Power of Your Voice to Listen to Your Deepest Thoughts and Courageously Pursue Your Dreams is Vasavi’s debut book.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Self-help

May 17: How to Rekindle Your Child’s Motivation with Dr. Ellen Braaten

Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less

Bright Kids with author Dr. Ellen Braaten

If you’re confused by a child in your life who has lost interest in things they once enjoyed and doesn’t seem to care about anything, you’re not alone. In today’s post-pandemic world, we’re seeing children and adults struggle to regain the motivation they once had. This is particularly challenging for anyone with learning differences, as they try to catch up.

From Dr. Ellen Braaten’s new book, Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child’s Motivation, we discuss how stress and anxiety can play into this. Why ADHD is more common than you may think. How a formula that Dr. Braaten terms the Parenting App can help focus recovery. How to meet your child exactly where they are today. And how to find more help if you need it.

About Dr. Ellen Braaten

Ellen Braaten, PhD, is widely recognized for her expertise in pediatric neuropsychological and psychological assessment, particularly in the areas of assessing learning disabilities and attentional disorders. Dr. Braaten is Executive Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, and Visiting Professor at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. She has been affiliated with MGH and HMS since 1998.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Self-help

May 10: Free Your Mind of Angst & Live Worry-Free

Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking with Thomas Sterner

Podcast with Thomas Sterner, Author of It’s Just a Thought

We hear a lot about being mindful, living mindfully, and being present. But what does that really mean? And what’s the different between “being mindful” and “thinking vs being thought”?

Thomas Sterner has devoted much of his career to helping people understand that we’re more than the thoughts that run through our head … especially in today’s digital world where we’re exposed to constant messaging that tells us we’re not doing enough, we don’t have enough, we’re not being enough.

Sterner tells us how to connect to the essence of who we truly are. How to deprogram ourselves from patterns not serving us. And we explore how our conscious vs subconscious minds interact.

About Thomas M. Sterner

Thomas Sterner is an expert in Present Moment Functioning, PMF™ and the founder and CEO of the Practicing Mind Institute. He works with high-performance industry groups and individuals, including athletes, coaches, and CEOs. The author of The Practicing Mind and Fully Engaged, Tom’s new book is It’s Just A Thought: Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking.

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