

Conservation, Environment, Journalism, Social Issues

SEP 02: Multi-time Award-winning Filmmaker John de Graaf

John de Graaf is one of the good guys in our world, always right there with the next important, life-affirming idea,” says The Giraffe Project’s Ann Medlock.  The late 70’s gave birth to John’s award-winning documentary film career that continues to this day.

Today, we’ll explore John’s career as a filmmaker and activist, and find out why he does what he does. We’ll hear about his latest film, REDEFINING PROSPERTIY, and some of the activism he’s engaged in. We’ll discover how John chooses projects, and how he navigated his own prolific creative path while still making a difference in people’s lives.

“I’m an author, filmmaker, speaker, and activist with a mission to help create a happy, healthy, and sustainable quality of life for America,” reads John’s mission statement.

With over 40 documentaries and countless short films to his credit, he has received over 100 regional, national, and international awards for filmmaking.  15 of his films have been broadcast nationally in primetime on PBS, and he has taught filmmaking at the University of Washington, Evergreen State College, and Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts.

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Environment, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Memoir, Personal Development

JUN 17: Karen Auvinen’s Rough Beauty & Donald Altman Returns

Imagine a winter’s day alone in the mountain’s, the silence runs deep, the wind chills your bones, yet you feel the warmth of joy from this solitary moment.  Award-winning poet and author Karen Auvinen has spent decades living alone at 8500 feet, and shares her experiences in her new memoir, Rough Beauty: 40 Seasons of Mountain Living.

Karen is a mountain woman, life-long westerner, and accomplished writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, Lithub, Real Simple, and Westword, as well as numerous literary journals.

Later, psychologist and former Buddhist monk Donald Altman returns to Conversations Live to share how love, kindness, and compassion help overcome fear and negativity.  Hear his original interview on mindful living here.

Donald is a psychotherapist, award-winning writer, former Buddhist monk, and teacher. He served as adjunct professor at Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling, and is an adjunct faculty member of the Interpersonal Neurobiology program at Portland State University.


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Environment, Lifestyle, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Women's Issues

APR 08: Keep Going with Austin Kleon, National Geographic’s Night Sky Guy, & Dr. Tammy Nelson’s When You’re the One Who Cheats

What do the tough do, when the going gets tough? They Keep Going, which just happens to be the name of Austin Kleon‘s new book where he shares 10 ways to stay creative in good times and bad.

We’ll find out why this “writer who draws” describes himself as a mongrel, and how that benefits his work. Why he says life is for art, and not other way around. And, the big question that many have asked over the past few months in light of scandalous celebrity behavior, can you separate the art from the man, and the man from the art?

Austin Kleon’s New York Times bestselling books include Steal Like an Artist, and Show Your Work.

Want a fun, educational, and free activity to enjoy with your kids? Try star gazing.  Andrew Fazekas, aka the “Night Sky Guy”, turned his life-long passion into his career.  Today, he shares fun science facts such as what causes the elusive “green flash” at sunset. He also discusses his partnership with National Geographic in taking the world’s first open air augmented-reality planetarium to a global audienceExplore the cosmos with him in Backyard Guide to the Night Sky.

A science writer, speaker, and broadcaster Andrew Fazekas writes the StarStruck for National Geographic, and is the author of Star Trek: The Official Guide to Our Universe.

Sex therapist Dr. Tammy Nelson returns to Conversations Live to help unravel confusion and make sense of unfaithful behavior. She’ll offer tips on how to stop cheating, and share advice for those still involved in an affair with When You’re the One Who Cheats: 10 Things You Need to Know.

Tammy Nelson, PhD is a sex and relationship expert, an international speaker, an author and a licensed psychotherapist with almost thirty years of experience working with individuals and couples.  Enjoy her previous appearance here.

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Conservation, Environment, Lifestyle, Social Issues, Travel & Adventure, Women's Issues

MAR 18: Debra Gwartney’s I am a Stranger Here Myself & National Geographic’s 100 Dives of a Lifetime

Returning guest Debra Gwartney, like many women, struggles with the challenges presented when trying to find that authentic connection with where your roots are … or where you are trying to lay them down.  In I am a Stranger Here Myself, Debra weaves frontier history into a personal exploration of womanhood, place, and a sense of belonging.

Debra is a Pacific University Professor, journalist, and author who grew up in Idaho and now tries to find a sense of permanence on on the upper McKenzie River on the west slope of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon.  Listen to her original appearance on Conversations Live here.

National Geographic’s Carrie Miller was initially motivated to learn to dive by great white sharks … and her passion and discoveries have led her to raise awareness of the critical changes we need to make to ensure the future health of our oceans.  You’ll come away from National Geographic’s 100 Dives of a Lifetime knowing why she calls the ocean the heartbeat of our planet.

Carrie has been covering travel for National Geographic since 1998.  She is a two-time Lowell Thomas Award winner and acclaimed contributing editor at National Geographic Traveler magazine.


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Conservation, Environment, Journalism, Social Issues

DEC 10: Award-winning Filmmaker John de Graaf

John de Graaf is one of the good guys in our world, always right there with the next important, life-affirming idea,” says The Giraffe Project’s Ann Medlock.  Beginning in the late 70’s, John embarked on an award-winning documentary film career that continues to this day.

Today we’ll explore John’s extensive career as a filmmaker and activist, and why he does what he does. We’ll hear about his latest film, REDEFINING PROSPERTIY, and some of the activism he’s engaged in. We’ll discover how John chooses projects, and how he navigated his own prolific creative path while still making a difference in people’s lives.

“I’m an author, filmmaker, speaker, and activist with a mission to help create a happy, healthy, and sustainable quality of life for America,” reads John’s mission statement.

With over 40 documentaries and countless shorter films to his credit, he has received over 100 regional, national, and international awards for filmmaking.  15 of his films have been broadcast nationally in primetime on PBS, and he has taught filmmaking at the University of Washington, Evergreen State College, and Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts.

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Environment, Travel & Adventure

OCT 22: National Geographic’s Cara Santa Maria & #1 NYT Bestseller Karen Kingsbury

Unleash your inner scientist!  Today’s show is going to be filled with fun facts like how chameleons change color, the science behind addiction, and how the polar jet stream works.  National Geographic’s Almanac 2019 also reviews top travel trends, new explorations and recent discoveries.  National Geographic Explorer correspondent Cara Santa Maria joins Vicki today to discuss all that and more!

Cara is an award-winning science journalist and creator and host of the popular science podcast Talk Nerdy.  She is also a correspondent on Netflix’s Bill Nye Saves the World.

Karen Kingsbury has a huge following with more than 50 books in print, and several in movie format. She’s a #1 New York Times bestselling author and describes herself as “an Evangelist wrapped up as a novelist”.

How did she go from LA Times sports-writer to true-crime author to “Queen of Christian Fiction”? What significant turning points in her life led to spiritually-guided storytelling success? And why did she create a new, standalone book based on two of the Baxter-series’ characters?

Join us to find out and get a sneak preview of When We Were Young, a story of troubling issues around social media obsession ( … as usual with Karen’s books, you might want a box of tissues handy!).

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Conservation, Environment, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Travel & Adventure

AUG 20: Dan Millman’s The Life You were Born to Live & Susan Hand Shetterly

Spiritualist Dan Millman returns to Conversations Live today to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose.  This revised edition includes key spiritual laws to overcome life’s hurdles, how to live in harmony with the nine-year cycles of your life, and more.

Dan is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor.  He has authored 17 books, and delivers keynotes, seminars, and workshops to people from all walks of life.

Next, nature writer Susan Hand Shetterly takes us on a journey from her native Maine, to Canada, Wales, Japan, the Philippines, and beyond, as she reveals the hidden world of one of nature’s most abundant resources.  Her latest book, Seaweed Chronicles: A World at the Water’s Edge comes out in August.

An award-winning author of nine books, Susan has also written for several magazines, including Down EastYankeeand Audubon MagazineShe was a contributing writer for Maine Times for many years, writing essays and articles on wild lands and wildlife, and the people who work with them.


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Conservation, Environment, Fiction

JUL 16: Barnes and Noble’s Stephanie Garcia & Ginny Stibolt’s Climate-Wise Landscaping

In between your real vacations, it’s always fun to find a little summer adventure, travel, and escapism through summer reads.  Today, we are joined by Barnes and Noble’s Stephanie Garcia to recommend NEW authors to look out for and suggest some readers’ favorites.

Stephanie is the Community Business Development Manager at the Lakewood Barnes and Noble.  Her position allows her the joy of knowing her “work with school administrators, librarians, and teachers will get books into kids hands, and hope it sparks a love for reading!”

Later, botanist Ginny Stibolt will be sharing ways you can help both the landscape and wildlife survive climate change, as well as sustainability tips and solutions for your own home garden. Her new book, co-authored with landscape architect Sue Reed, is Climate-Wise Landscaping: Practical Actions for a Sustainable Future.  

Ginny is a freelance writer, botanist, and experienced gardener who supports climate change mitigation.  Sue Reed is a registered Landscape Architect who works with homeowners and HOA’s in creating environmentally sensitive, resource-efficient, and beautiful landscapes that conserve energy and respond to climate change.



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Conservation, Environment, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Personal Development, Women's Issues

MAY 28: Mary DeMocker’s The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution, Yvonne Tally’s Breaking Up with Busy & Trisha Ashworth’s Just When You Are Comfortable in Your Own Skin

The climate revolution begins with two important phrases and one word:  “Stop Stupid. Start Smart. Revolution.”  Mary DeMocker joins us today to examine engaging ways to get your kids to care, and get them involved, in The Parent’s Guide to Climate Revolution.

Mary has reveled in an artistic life, performing harp, dressing sets for NY film productions, and now using public art and writing to mobilize for climate action.  She is co-Founder of the international climate action group

Next, in a world where we are constantly connected, it’s become nearly impossible not to remain swamped.  In Breaking Up with BusyYvonne Tally helps women identify what type of Overscheduled Woman (OSW) they are and why, and her 5-Step Super Solution Process will help you lighten the load!

Yvonne  leads meditation and de-stressing programs for corporations, individuals, and private groups in Silicon Valley. An NLP master practitioner, Yvonne cofounded Poised Inc., a Pilates and wellness training studio.

Finally, whether you’re married, single, widowed, divorced, with children or without, at some point women inevitably ask the question, “What’s next for me?” Just When You’re Comfortable in Your Own Skin, It Starts to Sag provides a road map for how to thrive in this new phase of life by turning a midlife crisis in midlife opportunity.

Today’s guest Trisha Ashworth and her co-writer Amy Nobile are bestselling authors and founders of Ash and Ames, empowering female artisans around the globe.

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Environment, Health & Wellness

APR 30: Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic & Dr. Michael Galitzer’s Outstanding Health

“The agricultural and industrial revolutions transformed the entire biosphere … now we humans are paying a high price for it.”  Returning guest Dr. Paul Ehrlich, along with co-author Dr. Sandra Kahn, serves us a dose of reality in his new book, Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic.  From mouth-breathing to heart disease and depression, we’ll look at the science of how and why our health is impacted, and what – if anything – we can do about it.

Dr. Ehrlich, Ph.D.,  is Bing Professor of Population Studies Emeritus and President of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University.  A member of the National Academy of Sciences and a recipient of numerous international honors, he investigates a wide range of topics in population biology, ecology, evolution, human ecology, and environmental science.

Dr. Sandra Kahn, D.D.S., M.S.D., has 25 years of clinical experience in orthodontics and is part of craniofacial anomalies teams at the University of California, San Francisco and Stanford University.

Later, Outstanding Health: A Longevity Guide for Staying Young, Healthy, and Sexy for the Rest of Your Life , introduces six steps you can use to achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle at home.  Author Michael Galitzer, M.D., has worked for decades on his unique blend of conventional and complementary medicine, helping patients gain control of their health and stave off sickness.

Dr. Galitzer, M.D., is a nationally recognized expert in energy medicine, integrative medicine, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). For more than 40 years, he’s been an innovator in the field of longevity and anti-aging medicine.


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