

Career, Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development

Jul 26: How Tiny Changes Can Recreate Your Life with Sam Bennett. Dump Your Inner Critic with Mark Coleman

Live a Better, More Fulfilling Life Based on Who You Really Are & Finally Get What You Really Want

Podcast Sam Bennett with How Little Changes Can Make A Big Difference. Mark Coleman with How Mindfulness Can Free You From Your Inner Critic

Our guest experts share timeless advice to help move you towards a better, more authentic life, & accomplish things that are important to you. *

Sam Bennett found herself distressed and depressed 20-some years ago. She’d lost her mojo, and none of the tools or advice shared by well-meaning friends helped her find it – that is until she cherry-picked the best ideas and adapted them to suit her own dreams.

Sam shares 66 of her tools in Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, and Recovering Perfectionists.

What does your inner critic sound like? What does it say to you? How does it make you feel? And most importantly, how do you allow it to control your life and define who you are?

Mark Coleman offers great practical advice, to help stop the negative chatter that’s holding you back, in Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic.

About Sam Bennett & Mark Coleman

Sam Bennett created The Organized Artist Company to help creative people get unstuck and achieve their goals. She is a writer, actor, teacher, and creativity/productivity specialist who has counseled thousands of artists and entrepreneurs on their way to success.

Mark Coleman is the founder of the Mindfulness Institute and has guided students on five continents as a corporate consultant, counselor, meditation teacher, and wilderness guide.

*Note: Events mentioned during this podcast were valid only during dates stated in original broadcast.
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Memoir, Non Fiction, Women's Issues

May 03: The Fruit You’ll Never See – A Memoir of Overcoming Shame

Born into Addiction & Sex Trafficking, Gail Brenner Nastasia Has Learned to Embrace Her History

The Fruit You’ll Never See with author Gail Brenner Nastasia

Growing up the daughter of a of a heroin addict is one thing. Gail Brenner Nastasia was also the niece of a woman who brokered deals for men who liked sex with young girls – including the author as a young child.

We discuss the search for Gail’s identity and sense of belonging, as a child and adult, and what kept her going. How she pushed through law school and went on to become a successful criminal defense attorney. And talking of that, why a defense attorney and not a prosecutor, considering all she’d endured as a child? The answer might surprise you.

About Gail Brenner Nastasia

Gail Brenner Nastasia received her MFA from Emerson college and is currently working on her second book, while continuing to practice law.

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