
Professional Development

Personal Development, Professional Development, Psychology, Self-help

Feb 14: Stay Calm, Clear, Focused Under Pressure with Dr. Dana Sinclair

Dialed In: Do Your Best When It Matters Most

Dialed In: Do Your Best When It Matter Most with author Dr. Dana Sinclair

Performance psychologist Dr. Dana Sinclair joins us with Dialed In – Do Your Best When It Matters Most, her unique brass-tacks guide to managing our emotions and performing well under pressure.

We discuss common myths and bad advice around performance, as well as helpful habits and routines, versus superstitions.

Dr. Dana also shares her views on why motivation is overrated, how to identify our own performance style, the importance of daydreaming, making a plan, and why character is better than talent.

Meet Dr. Dana Sinclair

Dr Dana Sinclair is a registered psychologist, holding doctorates from the University of Cambridge and the University of Ottawa. She’s a founder and partner of Human Performance International, a Toronto based management consultancy. A former athlete herself, she’s worked with elite athletes to help them achieve peak performance in professional hockey, baseball, basketball, and football for more than 20 years. She also works with surgeons and high-level medical and corporate organizations. Dr. Sinclair is a clinical assistant professor with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.

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Career, Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development

Jul 26: How Tiny Changes Can Recreate Your Life with Sam Bennett. Dump Your Inner Critic with Mark Coleman

Live a Better, More Fulfilling Life Based on Who You Really Are & Finally Get What You Really Want

Podcast Sam Bennett with How Little Changes Can Make A Big Difference. Mark Coleman with How Mindfulness Can Free You From Your Inner Critic

Our guest experts share timeless advice to help move you towards a better, more authentic life, & accomplish things that are important to you. *

Sam Bennett found herself distressed and depressed 20-some years ago. She’d lost her mojo, and none of the tools or advice shared by well-meaning friends helped her find it – that is until she cherry-picked the best ideas and adapted them to suit her own dreams.

Sam shares 66 of her tools in Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, and Recovering Perfectionists.

What does your inner critic sound like? What does it say to you? How does it make you feel? And most importantly, how do you allow it to control your life and define who you are?

Mark Coleman offers great practical advice, to help stop the negative chatter that’s holding you back, in Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic.

About Sam Bennett & Mark Coleman

Sam Bennett created The Organized Artist Company to help creative people get unstuck and achieve their goals. She is a writer, actor, teacher, and creativity/productivity specialist who has counseled thousands of artists and entrepreneurs on their way to success.

Mark Coleman is the founder of the Mindfulness Institute and has guided students on five continents as a corporate consultant, counselor, meditation teacher, and wilderness guide.

*Note: Events mentioned during this podcast were valid only during dates stated in original broadcast.
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Business, Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development

Feb 01: Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving with Amy Herman

Bolster your critical thinking skills, overcome obstacles, and make those hard decisions through art

Art historian and lawyer Amy E. Herman has discovered a way to use works of art to teach us how to hone our perceptions and visual intelligence, presenting a paradigm-shattering twist on problem solving that helps us find solutions to the problems we face every day.

In Fixed, Amy E. Herman gives us access to what the FBI, NATO, the State Department, Interpol, Scotland Yard, and many more organizations and their leaders have been using to solve their most intractable problems.  She teaches us to see things differently, using art to challenge our default thinking and open up possibilities otherwise overlooked.

About Amy E. Herman – Author of Fixed: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving.

Amy E. Herman developed The Art of Perception, Inc., in 2000 to improve medical student’s observation and communication skills with their patients when she was the Head of Education at The Frick Collection in New York City. She subsequently adapted the program for a wide range of professionals and leads sessions internationally for the New York City Police Department, the FBI, the French National Police, the Department of Defense, Interpol, the State Department, Fortune 500 companies, first responders, the military, and the intelligence community.

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Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development, Psychology

Dec 28: Stop Procrastinating, Start Living Your Dreams with Kate Eckman

Eliminate Perfectionism, Shed Self-Doubt, Create a Fun & Fulfilling Life

As many of us think about goals for 2023, we look at why we so often get in our our own … and how we can change that!

Kate Eckman knows first hand how the stories we tell can make or break us. We discuss why you should dare to suck at something new. How naming values helps establish clarity. How creating safe space helps develop the independence needed to live authentically. Why humor and fun and play is imperative!

About Kate Eckman

Former elite athlete Kate Eckman deeply understands sports psychology and performance. She’s a  certified executive coach, working with leaders in business and sports, and the award-winning author of The Full Spirit Workout: A Ten-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun and Fulfilling Life.


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Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development

Aug 03: Career Self-Care with Minda Zetlin

Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work

Minda Zetlin says building the life and career you really want is about changing “… the way that you value yourself.” Science shows the better you care for yourself, the better it is for your career. And that’s what differentiates Career Self-Care from other career books.

We discuss why we must stop working so hard. How to show up at work as our authentic selves. Why you have a responsibility to be happy. And why, even when we say we want something, goal ambivalence often gets in our way.

About Minda Zetlin

Minda Zetlin is an author, speaker, journalist, and contributing editor at Inc. Minda is a former president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, and contributor to,, and Her latest book is Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work.


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Health & Wellness, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development, Psychology, Self-help

Jun 01: The Human Herd with Beth Anstandig

Awaken Your Natural Leadership & Become a Human Whisperer

Part guidebook, part manifesto, part wakeup call, Beth Anstandig wrote The Human Herd during what she calls The Great Pause — aka COVID lockdown — when so many people around the world felt isolated and disconnected.

Even in today’s techno world where we are constantly connected to our devices, and self-sufficiency is the norm, people still want and need human connection.  As a species, we’ve lived in herds for centuries, and need the support and connection of others to thrive. Today we discuss the 4 channels of awareness. How to look beyond project scope, and consider life scope. What horses can teach us about radical selfcare, anxiety, and giving and receiving feedback.

About Beth Anstandig

Beth Anstandig owns Take a Chance Ranch in CA where she provides leadership, culture, and wellbeing programs through The Circle Up Experience. She is a lifelong cowgirl, writer, professor, and licensed psychotherapist. For the past 25 years she’s trained and developed people using “natural leadership” —  a model that she created. Her work has been featured on BBC WORLD, PBS, and in FORBES.

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Business, Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Professional Development

Mar 02: Amy Herman with Fixed – How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem-Solving

How art can help you overcome challenges, make decisions, & sharpen critical thinking skills

Wayne Dyer said “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” And that concept inspired today’s guest to launch a whole new career as the president of The Art of Perception, Inc., based in New York.

Sometimes, all it takes to solve a problem is a paradigm shift. In Fixed, Amy E Herman shares how we can facilitate that shift and hone our powers of perception by looking at art – from paintings and sculptures to mixed media and photography. She shows how learning to see art more astutely, helps uncover deep-seated truths that often obstruct optimal decision-making.

About Amy E Herman – Author of Fixed: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving.

Amy E Herman is the founder and president of The Art of Perception, Inc., an organization that  conducts professional development courses for leaders around the world – from Secret Service agents, the FBI, the Department of Defense, Doctors Without Borders, and NATO. Herman is a lawyer and art historian. She was Head of Education at The Frick Collection, where she oversaw the museum’s educational collaborations and community initiatives.

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