
Self Leadership

Business, Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development

May 29: Tired of the Corporate Drill? Time to Cut Loose? Entrepreneur Trevor Blake Shares Secrets to a Successful Startup

A Recession-Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving, & Thriving In Your Own Venture

Trevor Blake Author of Secrets to a Successful Startup, Podcast

If you’re done working for The Man and want to get serious about starting your own venture, Trevor Blake has some great advice based on real-life business success. In Secrets to a Successful Startup Trevor says “It takes the same amount of effort to build a multimillion-dollar business as it takes to build a $50,000 business …” so what is it you want to fix, solve, create, accomplish, and become?

We discuss Trevor’s journey from a poor home background into successful entrepreneurship. Dipping into what he calls the foundation from which he’s built his own multimillion dollar business, Trevor shares what he means by global pioneering spirit, and why success always begins with self-leadership and mindset.

We discuss why you don’t need to know everything, as long as you’re smart enough to hire the right people. Where Trevor’s winning ideas came from and how he massaged them to fruition. And we look at some of the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs, new and old.

Meet Trevor Blake

Trevor G. Blake is an entrepreneur, physicist, author, curious human, and life adventurer. As CEO, he founded three different medical technology companies, which sold for over $300 million.  He wrote his New York Times Bestseller, Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life after conquering his own self-limiting beliefs.  Secrets to a Successful Startup: A Recession Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving and Thriving in your Own Venture is a practical handbook based on his own experience, proven business studies, and real-life success stories of winning entrepreneurs.

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Business, Career, Personal Development

APR 15: Peter Economy with his Management Mentor in a Book

Many of us have been in #StayAtHome mode for a few weeks, so have you been thinking about what changes you want to make when you return to work? Are you ready to up the ante and learn some new skills to help you be a better manager? Seek new opportunities?

Peter Economy‘s new book is a management mentor in a book and today we discuss traits of good managers, bad habits to avoid, how to handle toxic office politics, and the importance of learning to delegate effectively.

Known on INC.com as The Leadership Guy, Peter Economy is credited with more than 100 books and over 1500 articles. He consults with executives, executive coaches, and business consultants worldwide. His new book, Wait I’m the Boss?!? The Essential Guide for New Managers to Succeed from Day One.

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Memoir, Personal Development, Self-help, Writers on Writing

JAN 08: A Life in Novels with Kathleen Hill & Life is a Musical with Tim Federle

When books come to you at the just the right time, they can change your life.Kathleen Hill’s new memoir, She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels, explores defining moments of a life illuminated by novels.

Kathleen is a noted author who teaches in the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College.  Her first two books have received critical acclaim and her stories have appeared in numerous collections.

Everything Tim Federle knows about life he learned from doing theater – think Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffwith Jazz Hands. Life is Like a Musical: How to Live, Love, and Lead Like a Star is designed for anyone who wants to find and live by their own song, whatever that means to them.

Tim is a Broadway dancer-turned-author who won awards for his Young Adult books and pun-tastic cocktail novels, and works with Fox Animation in developing new projects.

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Memoir, Personal Development, Self-help, Writers on Writing

OCT 23: A Life in Novels with Kathleen Hill & Life is a Musical with Tim Ferdele

When books come to you at the just the right time, they can change your life. Kathleen Hill’s new memoir, She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels, explores defining moments of a life illuminated by novels.

Kathleen is a noted author who teaches in the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College.  Her first two books have received critical acclaim and her stories have appeared in numerous collections.

Everything Tim Federle knows about life he learned from doing theater – think Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with Jazz Hands. Life is Like a Musical: How to Live, Love, and Lead Like a Star is designed for anyone who wants to find and live by their own song, whatever that means to them.

Tim is a Broadway dancer-turned-author who won awards for his Young Adult books and pun-tastic cocktail novels, and works with Fox Animation in developing new projects.

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