

Health & Wellness, Nature, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology, Science, Self-help

Jun 05: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Burnout – Why Mother Nature May Be Your Best Cure

Nature Calls Us Home To Our True Selves. She reminds us that we are … intimately connected … beautifully unique.” ~ Dr. Rochelle Calvert

While it saves us time in some ways, today’s digital world also demands more of us – from self-managed online accounts, form-filling, and appointment setting, to 24/7 business emails, DMs, IMs, texts, meetings, presentations … the list goes on.

Add to that the trauma of stressful life situations, ever-increasing living costs, job struggles, job losses, toxic work environments, and longer working hours, and Americans around the country are experiencing more PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and depression than ever before.

Dr. Rochelle Calvert, author of Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma, says combining nature with mindfulness and somatic practices can often be THE best prescription. She helps us unpack the science behind these therapies and explore the benefits provided – free of cost – by Mother Nature’s Rx. We also share how to incorporate simple therapeutic practices into everyday life.

Meet Dr. Rochelle Calvert

A clinical psychologist, Rochelle Calvert, PhD, specializes in life transitions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, and pain. She’s the founder of New Mindful Life, with a private practice in California. An expert on mindfulness, nature-based therapy, and somatic experiencing, Rochelle’s book is Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma.

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Non Fiction, Self-help, Sustainability

APR 29: Simplify—How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad with Bob Hillary

Written pre-COVID-19 days, Bob Hillary’s newly released book Simplify: How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad couldn’t come at a better time. He describes it as a simple survival guide to help you stay sane and thrive during these chaotic times.

Today Bob tells us his biggest takeaway from living totally off the grid for over two years in the Welsh mountains. We look at technology addiction and digital detox. Bob shares thoughts  on SLOW living, living from the heart, spirituality — and why this is a good time to look inward, so that when the Corona Virus pandemic is over, you can make different choices.

Bob Hillary is a singer-songwriter, author, earth protector, and permaculturist. He’s a passionate advocate of the Live Simply movement spreading around the globe. And a keen practitioner of yoga, meditation, and living naturally.

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Fiction, Non Fiction, Writers on Writing

NOV 06: Manhattan Beach with Pulitzer Winner Jennifer Egan & Technically Wrong with Sara Wachter-Boettcher

Set on the Brooklyn docks during the World War II era, Manhattan Beach seamlessly intertwines the stories of a man working for both the union and the mob, his daughter, the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s only female diver, and a shady, but charismatic, nightclub owner.

Jennifer Egan is the author of several novels and a short story collection, including  A Visit From the Goon Squad, which won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the Los Angeles Times book prize.

Also, Sara Wachter-Boettcher presents an informed and compassionate critique of the technology industry in Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher is a Philadelphia-based consultant where she helps organizations make sense of digital content. She speak at conferences worldwide and has authored two previous books for web pros.

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