

Inspirational, Personal Development, Self-help

MAY 07: Scott Stabile’s Big Love & Neil Pasricha’s Two Minute Mornings

Scott Stabile’s parents were murdered when he was 14 years old. His brother died of a heroin overdose when he was 23. Rudderless, Scott found temporary refuge in a cult that dominated his life for 13 years, until he knew he had to escape.

Scott shares his journey in Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart.  A frequent Huffington Post contributor, Scott has a huge social media following for his inspirational posts and videos, and conducts personal empowerment workshops around the globe.  Scott will be appearing at Third Place Book in Lake Forest on October 4, at 7PM.

Can you “win” your day, overcoming adversity before it even begins, in just two minutes every morning

NYT bestseller Neil Pasricha lays out the strategy to jump starting each day with a positive impact in Two Minute Mornings: A Journal to Win Your Day Every Day.  Neil is a Harvard MBA and is the Director of the Institute for Global Happiness, and has one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time.

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Health & Wellness, Personal Development

FEB 26: Dr. Kristen Lee’s Mentalligence & Derek Rydall’s The Abundance Project

Sometimes it seems easier to go with the flow of what is expected of us, but that can also make us complacent and, quite frankly, boring.  Learn what it takes to rethink our social conditioning and be more agile, mindful, and connected in today’s world in Mentalligence: A New Psychology of Thinking.

Author Dr. Kristen Lee is a clinician, researcher, educator, activist, and recovering perfectionist.

Later, integrative therapist Derek Rydall proves that it’s possible to live your dreams, but first you must cut loose your old beliefs that are holding you back.  In The Abundance Project: 40 Days to More Wealth, Health, Love, and Happiness, you will learn the important steps to take to achieve better health, more money, and a more fulfilling life.

Derek is an Amazon/Barnes and Noble bestselling author, and has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in empowered leadership and communications.

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Inspirational, Personal Development, Spirituality, Women's Issues

FEB 19: Baptist de Pape’s The Power of the Heart & F. Diane Barth’s I Know How You Feel

With The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life , filmmaker and author Baptist de Pape has assembled an unprecedented collaboration of wisdom from the leading spiritual thinkers, authors, and scientists of our time. These visionary minds help de Pape show how we can overcome limitations in our daily life to find our true potential – and reveals the heart to be a source of love and wisdom that far surpasses that of the mind.

Baptist is a spiritual explorer, author, and filmmaker, and graduate of the University of Tilburg Law School in The Netherlands.

Later, through thick and thin, one thing you can always count on is your friends showing love and support.  But even the closest friendships can get complicated.  I Know How You Feel: The Joy and Heartbreak of Friendship in Women’s Lives looks at every aspect of a woman’s friendship, loyalty and betrayal, support and competition, and the trials of love and marriage and the effect they and other changes can have on a lasting friendship.

Author F. Diane Barth has worked as a psychotherapist in New York for over 30 years and is widely recognized for her expertise in women’s relationships.

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Memoir, Personal Development, Self-help, Writers on Writing

JAN 08: A Life in Novels with Kathleen Hill & Life is a Musical with Tim Federle

When books come to you at the just the right time, they can change your life.Kathleen Hill’s new memoir, She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels, explores defining moments of a life illuminated by novels.

Kathleen is a noted author who teaches in the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College.  Her first two books have received critical acclaim and her stories have appeared in numerous collections.

Everything Tim Federle knows about life he learned from doing theater – think Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffwith Jazz Hands. Life is Like a Musical: How to Live, Love, and Lead Like a Star is designed for anyone who wants to find and live by their own song, whatever that means to them.

Tim is a Broadway dancer-turned-author who won awards for his Young Adult books and pun-tastic cocktail novels, and works with Fox Animation in developing new projects.

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Health & Wellness, Personal Development

DEC 11: Dr. Armin Zadeh with The Forgotten Art of Love & Dr. Becky Thompson’s Teaching with Tenderness

“As a cardiologist, I find this difficult to admit, but love is more about the brain than the heart,” writes Armin Zadeh, MD, PhD, and author of The Forgotten Art of Love: What Love Means and Why it Matters. “However, the view of love as a mental rather than magical power comes with a silver … if not golden … lining. “

On today’s show, Dr. Zadeh will help you discover the not-so-obvious connection between heart disease and state of mind, and unlock some of the answers to the mysteries of love.

Dr. Zadeh is a professor at John Hopkins University with doctoral degrees in medicine and philosophy, as well as a master’s degree in public health. As a cardiologist and scientist, Dr. Zadeh understands the close relationship between heart disease and the state of the mind.

With so much going on in our lives, it can be nearly impossible to find those cherished moments of peace each day.  Teaching with Tenderness: Toward an Embodied Practice will have you using contemplative practices such as yoga, meditation, and free writing, to help you keep your heart open as you deal with each day’s setbacks.

Becky Thompson, Ph.D., is a professor of sociology at Simmons College, human rights activist, cross-cultural trainer, writer, poet, and senior-level yoga teacher.


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Memoir, Personal Development, Self-help, Writers on Writing

OCT 23: A Life in Novels with Kathleen Hill & Life is a Musical with Tim Ferdele

When books come to you at the just the right time, they can change your life. Kathleen Hill’s new memoir, She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels, explores defining moments of a life illuminated by novels.

Kathleen is a noted author who teaches in the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College.  Her first two books have received critical acclaim and her stories have appeared in numerous collections.

Everything Tim Federle knows about life he learned from doing theater – think Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with Jazz Hands. Life is Like a Musical: How to Live, Love, and Lead Like a Star is designed for anyone who wants to find and live by their own song, whatever that means to them.

Tim is a Broadway dancer-turned-author who won awards for his Young Adult books and pun-tastic cocktail novels, and works with Fox Animation in developing new projects.

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Inspirational, Personal Development, Self-help

Sep 11: Big Love & Two Minute Mornings

Scott Stabile parents were murdered when he was 14 years old. His brother died of a heroin overdose when he was 23. Rudderless, Scott found temporary refuge in a cult that dominated his life for 13 years, until he knew he had to escape.

Scott shares his journey in Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart.  A frequent Huffington Post contributor, Scott has a huge social media following for his inspirational posts and videos, and conducts personal empowerment workshops around the globe.  Scott will be appearing at Third Place Book in Lake Forest on October 4, at 7PM.

Can you “win” your day, overcoming adversity before it even begins, in just two minutes every morning

NYT bestseller Neil Pasricha lays out the strategy to jump starting each day with a positive impact in Two Minute Mornings: A Journal to Win Your Day Every Day.  Neil is a Harvard MBA and is the Director of the Institute for Global Happiness, and has one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time.

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Personal Development

May 15: F*ck Love 2 & The Worry-Free Mind

F*ck Love: One Shrink’s Sensible Advice for Finding a Lasting Relationship is not a typical relationship book.

As the authors say, it “might not help you find the person of your dreams, but it will provide you the roadmap to avoiding the kind of nightmare relationships that probably caused you to buy books like this in the first place.” Sarah Bennett uses her professional sense of humor as a comic, to ground the real-life advice of her psychiatrist dad and coauthor Michael Bennett, MD.

At 3:30 am the hamster wheel in your head is going 90 mph. You toss. You turn. And finally your alarm clock goes off and you face another exhausting day, only to repeat the cycle over and over. again. But life can be different!

Pyschotherapist Bill Wade shares some of the powerful tools from The Worry Free Mind: Train Your Brain, Calm the Stress Spin Cycle, and Discover a Happier, More Productive YouDr. Wade is licensed as a professional counselor, and marriage and family therapist, and has maintained a therapy practice for more than 30 years. Both he and his coauthor, Carol Kershaw EdD, have presented workshops throughout the United States and abroad in clinical hypnosis, brain-based transformation, and meditation.

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Personal Development, Self-help

Mar 27: 1] Reversing Harmful Moods 2] You Cheated on Your Spouse, Now What?

Sinking into a bad mood is easy and feelings can quickly escalate, pushing you into a deep black funk.  Joseph Cardillo, PhD, returns to tell us how to control of our energy and reverse harmful moods before they take hold.

Dr. Cardillo is an inspirational speaker and expert on energy teachings. His latest book is  Body Intelligence: Harness Your Body’s Energies for Your Best Life, and he’s written numerous other bestselling books on health, mind-body-spirit, and psychology. He’s also co-written several books for Harvard Health Publications.

Robert Weiss LCSW, CSAT-S,  is a digital-age intimacy and relationships expert and author, specializing in infidelity and addictions. His latest book, Out of the Doghouse: A Step-by-Step Relationship-Saving Guide for Men Caught Cheating, is a “Learn it or lose her!” primer for me n caught cheating.

Consider it, says Weiss, a “roadmap for rebuilding trust, restoring intimacy, and salvaging a damaged relationship.”  Today he’ll addresses how men think about sex, cheating, and relationship intimacy. And we’ll share healing techniques for the partner who was cheated on.

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Personal Development

Mar 06: 1] Goals–Staying the Course in 2017 2] Bashert. A Love Story

In the third and final installment of a monthly series, Helene Segura MA Ed keeps you focused on reaching the goals you set for 2017.

Today, Helene explores what we can learn from the movies, including The Accountant, Arrival. And how Romeo and Juliet, which we think of as a love story, actually ended with six dead bodies because of lack of planning and rushing around.

Helene is a time management consultant who combines neuroscience, educational psychology, and pop culture to teach clients and keynote/training audiences how to improve work-day efficiencies so they can have a life outside.  Her book is The Inefficiency Assassin.

Drawing upon his own personal experience, former rabbi Herb Freed spins his real-life journey into a fiction tale woven with magical realism.

From the bright lights of Hollywood to Mexico, Israel, Paris, and the dreamy exhilaration of Jamaica, Bashert is a love story about transcending life, loss and the boundaries we mistakenly place on our lives and our hearts.

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