

Non Fiction, Relationships, Self-help

MAY 06: Is COVID 19 Ruining Your Relationship? Learn to Thrive with Linda Carroll’s Love Skills

Love SKills The Keys to Unlocking Lasting Wholehearted LoveHow are you coping during COVID 19? Many following stay-at-home and social distancing guidelines are finding it challenging. And that can impact your relationship. Is your coupling surviving, thriving … or are you thinking divorce?

Linda Carroll gives an honest peek into the differences she’s experiencing with her husband of  35-year years — they have very different coping skills and needs right now. But “A wave is not the ocean“, she says, and to help your relationship thrive–through crises, dull, and good times– we discuss key skills to help you create lasting wholehearted love. Linda also shares what you should start (and stop) doing immediately.

Linda Carroll is a therapist and relationship expert with more than three decades experience. She writes, speaks, and teaches, in addition to seeing private and group patients. Linda’s latest book is Love Skills: The Keys to Unlocking Lasting Wholehearted Love. Her first book, Love Cycles, explains the five love cycles in detail.


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Environment, Lifestyle, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Women's Issues

APR 08: Keep Going with Austin Kleon, National Geographic’s Night Sky Guy, & Dr. Tammy Nelson’s When You’re the One Who Cheats

What do the tough do, when the going gets tough? They Keep Going, which just happens to be the name of Austin Kleon‘s new book where he shares 10 ways to stay creative in good times and bad.

We’ll find out why this “writer who draws” describes himself as a mongrel, and how that benefits his work. Why he says life is for art, and not other way around. And, the big question that many have asked over the past few months in light of scandalous celebrity behavior, can you separate the art from the man, and the man from the art?

Austin Kleon’s New York Times bestselling books include Steal Like an Artist, and Show Your Work.

Want a fun, educational, and free activity to enjoy with your kids? Try star gazing.  Andrew Fazekas, aka the “Night Sky Guy”, turned his life-long passion into his career.  Today, he shares fun science facts such as what causes the elusive “green flash” at sunset. He also discusses his partnership with National Geographic in taking the world’s first open air augmented-reality planetarium to a global audienceExplore the cosmos with him in Backyard Guide to the Night Sky.

A science writer, speaker, and broadcaster Andrew Fazekas writes the StarStruck for National Geographic, and is the author of Star Trek: The Official Guide to Our Universe.

Sex therapist Dr. Tammy Nelson returns to Conversations Live to help unravel confusion and make sense of unfaithful behavior. She’ll offer tips on how to stop cheating, and share advice for those still involved in an affair with When You’re the One Who Cheats: 10 Things You Need to Know.

Tammy Nelson, PhD is a sex and relationship expert, an international speaker, an author and a licensed psychotherapist with almost thirty years of experience working with individuals and couples.  Enjoy her previous appearance here.

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Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Self-help, Women's Issues

NOV 12: Tammy Nelson’s The New Monogamy & Jennifer Cohen and Gina LaRoche’s The 7 Laws of Enough

There are many misconceptions about why a woman cheats on her partner. In The New Monogamy, sex therapist Tammy Nelson, PhD, argues that freedom to have a discreet affair can be empowering, healing, and ultimately improve a marriage.

Tammy is a sex and relationship expert, an international speaker, an author and a licensed psychotherapist with almost thirty years of experience working with individuals and couples.

Also, if you’re one of the many who feel the growing gap between the haves and have nots, it can leaving you feeling left behind, and less-than.  Leadership consultants Jennifer Cohen and Gina Laroche say you are enough, you have enough, and there is enough to go around. We’ll explore solutions to help you ditch scarcity thinking in The 7 Laws of Enough: Cultivating a Life of Sustainable Abundance.

Jennifer is cofounder of Seven Stones Leadership Group and a speaker and author, known for coaching world-class leaders from institutions including Harvard Business School and Simmons.

Gina is also a cofounder of Seven Stones Leadership Group and a leading organizational consultant, executive coach, keynote speaker, author and artist.

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Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Self-help

MAY 14: Julie Simon’s When Food is Comfort & Sunny McMillan’s Unhitched

Ice Cream.  Mac and cheese.  For the more gluttonous among us, pizza.  Many of us turn to these comfort foods when life takes one of its downward spirals. When Food is Comfort: Nurture Yourself Mindfully, Rewire Your Brain, and End Emotional Eating reveals a lack of consistent nurturing at a young age can cause us to turn to outside substances such as food to receive that needed stress relief.  Author Julie M. Simon offers easily mastered skills to put an end to unhealthy indulging through self-nurturing and rewiring our brains.

Julie is a licensed psychotherapist and Life Coach with a full-time private practice specializing in eating and body image challenges.  She founded the popular Los Angeles based online Twelve-Week Emotional Eating Recovery Program and offers workshops at venues like Whole Foods and UCLA.

Later, by their nature, separation and divorce are unpleasant and stressful experiences, but they don’t have to be one-sided, angry affairs.  Life Coach and ‘recovering’ attorney Sunny Joy McMillan explores how to navigate the ending of a bad marriage peaceably and with clarity, utilizing the methods she learned during her own experience.  Her new book is Unhitched: Unlock Your Courage and Clarity and Unstick Your Bad Marriage.

Sunny is an attorney and Master Life Coach and host of weekly radio show Sunny in Seattle.  She is passionate about empowering adults to make soul-based relationship and work choices, as well as using divorce as a catalyst for personal transformation, spiritual awakening and creating a kickass new life.

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Personal Development, Self-help

FEB 05: Daphne de Marneffe’s The Rough Patch & Abby Juan’s How Me Found I

STOP!  It’s a trap!  You’ve heard people refer to marriage as an end to individuality, killing ‘me’ by becoming ‘we’.  In The Rough Patch: Marriage and the Art of Living Together, clinical psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, PhD., explores that part of a relationship where the need to grow as an individual collides headlong into the demands of the relationship.

Daphne is a licensed clinical psychologist with almost thirty years of experience working with a wide range of mental health problems.  As a research-trained clinician, she sees psychology as an evolving science, and continually integrates current research findings into her clinical practice.

Also today, Who Are You is not just a song by The Who, it’s a question you can stand in front of a mirror and ask.  If you are not living the life you have always wanted, Abby Juan will help you reboot and change your reality in How Me Found I: Mastering the Art of Pivoting Gracefully Through Life.  You will learn how to harness your own personal power to overcome living with fear and thrive on your terms.

Abby Juan was a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist until she became bedridden for close to two years. As a teacher, speaker, author, and Sherpa guide, Abby Juan assists others in walking their own paths to greatness in the same manner as she was shown.

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Lifestyle, Self-help

May 08: It Takes One to Tango & The Truth Behind Canadaland

It takes two to Tango, right?  No, says Winifred M. Reilly, you can decide at any time to take action and make positive change, and by doing so, your spouse is likely to change too.  In It Takes One to Tango: How I Rescued My Marriage with (Almost) No Help From My Spouse-And You Can Too we’ll address questions such as: What if my partner won’t get on board? When is hope, false hope? And why you must learn to think differently and stop looking for “fair” or “equal”.

Winifred Reilly, MA, MFT is a psychotherapist specializing in marital and relationship issues.  She has 35 years of clinical experience treating hundreds of couples on the brink of divorce.

Also today, what do you really know about our neighbors to the North?  Like most Americans you probably view Canada as a benign and peaceful country with a moose around every corner, and a citizenry as rabid about their hockey as we are about football.  You may have even said “Eh” in an affectionately mocking way.

But as the great tundra to the North approaches their sesquicentennial anniversary, award-winning journalist and native Canuck Jesse Brown unveils the truth behind that carefully crafted image in his new book, The Canadaland Guide to Canada.  Now you’ll know what ‘sorry’ really means!  Jesse Brown is the creator of the Canadian podcast, Canadaland, and has won awards for humor and investigative reporting.

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