It takes two to Tango, right? No, says Winifred M. Reilly, you can decide at any time to take action and make positive change, and by doing so, your spouse is likely to change too. In It Takes One to Tango: How I Rescued My Marriage with (Almost) No Help From My Spouse-And You Can Too we’ll address questions such as: What if my partner won’t get on board? When is hope, false hope? And why you must learn to think differently and stop looking for “fair” or “equal”.
Winifred Reilly, MA, MFT is a psychotherapist specializing in marital and relationship issues. She has 35 years of clinical experience treating hundreds of couples on the brink of divorce.
Also today, what do you really know about our neighbors to the North? Like most Americans you probably view Canada as a benign and peaceful country with a moose around every corner, and a citizenry as rabid about their hockey as we are about football. You may have even said “Eh” in an affectionately mocking way.
But as the great tundra to the North approaches their sesquicentennial anniversary, award-winning journalist and native Canuck Jesse Brown unveils the truth behind that carefully crafted image in his new book, The Canadaland Guide to Canada. Now you’ll know what ‘sorry’ really means! Jesse Brown is the creator of the Canadian podcast, Canadaland, and has won awards for humor and investigative reporting.