

Business, Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development

May 29: Tired of the Corporate Drill? Time to Cut Loose? Entrepreneur Trevor Blake Shares Secrets to a Successful Startup

A Recession-Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving, & Thriving In Your Own Venture

Trevor Blake Author of Secrets to a Successful Startup, Podcast

If you’re done working for The Man and want to get serious about starting your own venture, Trevor Blake has some great advice based on real-life business success. In Secrets to a Successful Startup Trevor says “It takes the same amount of effort to build a multimillion-dollar business as it takes to build a $50,000 business …” so what is it you want to fix, solve, create, accomplish, and become?

We discuss Trevor’s journey from a poor home background into successful entrepreneurship. Dipping into what he calls the foundation from which he’s built his own multimillion dollar business, Trevor shares what he means by global pioneering spirit, and why success always begins with self-leadership and mindset.

We discuss why you don’t need to know everything, as long as you’re smart enough to hire the right people. Where Trevor’s winning ideas came from and how he massaged them to fruition. And we look at some of the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs, new and old.

Meet Trevor Blake

Trevor G. Blake is an entrepreneur, physicist, author, curious human, and life adventurer. As CEO, he founded three different medical technology companies, which sold for over $300 million.  He wrote his New York Times Bestseller, Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life after conquering his own self-limiting beliefs.  Secrets to a Successful Startup: A Recession Proof Guide to Starting, Surviving and Thriving in your Own Venture is a practical handbook based on his own experience, proven business studies, and real-life success stories of winning entrepreneurs.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology

AUG 12: Thriving During COVID-19 & Other Crises with Dr. Jim Taylor

While we can’t control a crisis, we can control how we respond. Today, Dr. Jim Taylor shares a little science and a lot of practical solutions to help you transform from crisis mentality to opportunity mindset.

We discuss why anger can be good at the start of a crisis but then work against us. What Dr. Jim means by negative emotion chain. How to make better decisions when everything around us is crazed. And how our values may help, or hinder, us during bad times.

Dr. Jim Taylor is the author of How to Survive & Thrive When Bad Things Happen: 9 Steps to Cultivating and Opportunity Mindset in a Crisis. He’s internationally recognized for his work in the psychology of critical performance. And has authored 17 books, published over 700 articles, and appeared on major news networks.

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Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development

JUL 29: Navigating Change & Things Outside Our Control with Maggie Craddock

How are you coping with America’s pandemic, politics, cultural wars, and job losses? Has your life or career been impacted? If not, chances are, it will be – and wouldn’t you rather be ready?

Maggie Craddock uses the experiences of Titanic survivors to share lessons learned in Lifeboat: Navigating Unexpected Career Change and Disruptionlessons that apply to our business and personal life.

We discuss Big Ship Mindset and the benefits of Lifeboat Mindset. Why we should pay attention to ‘group energy’. How lack of trust in friends and colleagues often leads to isolation and distancing from our authentic selves.

Maggie Craddock is a veteran executive coach who works with Fortune 500 senior management. She’s also authored The Authentic Career and Power Genes.

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Health & Wellness, Non Fiction, Personal Development

FEB 12: Dr. Steven J. Stein and the Hardiness Mindset

Why do people react differently to stressful situations, such as loss of a job or an illness?  Dr. Steven J. Stein believes hardiness is at the heart of the answer.  Today, you’ll learn the benefits of hardiness, how it differs from resilience, and if you were not one of the lucky ones born with it, how you can cultivate it.  His new book, co-authored with Paul T. Bartone, is Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals.

Dr. Stein is a clinical psychologist and founder and executive chair of Multi-Health Systems, a leading assessment and behavior analytics company. He’s a former chair of the psychology foundation of Canada, former president of the Ontario Psychological Association, and currently teaches at the Directors College of Canada.

Co author Retired Colonel Paul T Bartone is a visiting research fellow at the Institute for national security policy. During his 25 year US Army career, he served as commander of the US Army Medical Research Unity … and taught leadership and psychology at West Point.


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