Why do people react differently to stressful situations, such as loss of a job or an illness? Dr. Steven J. Stein believes hardiness is at the heart of the answer. Today, you’ll learn the benefits of hardiness, how it differs from resilience, and if you were not one of the lucky ones born with it, how you can cultivate it. His new book, co-authored with Paul T. Bartone, is Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals.
Dr. Stein is a clinical psychologist and founder and executive chair of Multi-Health Systems, a leading assessment and behavior analytics company. He’s a former chair of the psychology foundation of Canada, former president of the Ontario Psychological Association, and currently teaches at the Directors College of Canada.
Co author Retired Colonel Paul T Bartone is a visiting research fellow at the Institute for national security policy. During his 25 year US Army career, he served as commander of the US Army Medical Research Unity … and taught leadership and psychology at West Point.