Discovering the truth behind her mother’s story helped heal this author
When Cornelia Maude Spelman ventured on a quest to understand her deceased mother’s early life, little did Cornelia know how much she’d learn about her own life.
We discuss how Cornelia put the puzzle of her mother’s past together through letters and interviews and journals. Some of the mysteries and emotional legacies that her family — like many families — never discussed. And how her journey to discover what made her mom tick, helped Corenlia grow and heal.
About Cornelia Maude Spelman
Cornelia Maude Spelman, MSW, was a family therapist before turning fulltime to writing and art. She’s the author of 10 books for children including The Way It Feels series, which helps children recognize and manage emotions. Cornelia has awards from the Illinois Arts Council, was a finalist for the Penelope Niven Creative Nonfiction, and earned the Bernard De Voto Fellowship for Nonfiction at Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.