When we’re always turned on, plugged in, burning the candle at both ends, we’re living a recipe for disaster. Making lifestyle adjustments, more aligned with nature and its changing seasons and natural rhythms, today’s guest expert says you can go from frazzled and exhausted to feeling good and living well.
Dallas Hartwig is the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Whole 30 and It Starts with Food. He’s a speaker, nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and physical therapist who specializes in treating lifestyle-related health issues.
Scott Stabile’s parents were murdered when he was 14 years old. His brother died of a heroin overdose when he was 23. Rudderless, Scott found temporary refuge in a cult that dominated his life for 13 years, until he knew he had to escape.
Scott shares his journey in Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart. A frequent Huffington Post contributor, Scott has a huge social media following for his inspirational posts and videos, and conducts personal empowerment workshops around the globe. Scott will be appearing at Third Place Book in Lake Forest on October 4, at 7PM.
Can you “win” your day, overcoming adversity before it even begins, in just two minutes every morning
NYT bestseller Neil Pasricha lays out the strategy to jump starting each day with a positive impact in Two Minute Mornings: A Journal to Win Your Day Every Day. Neil is a Harvard MBA and is the Director of the Institute for Global Happiness, and has one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time.
With The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life , filmmaker and author Baptist de Papehas assembled an unprecedented collaboration of wisdom from the leading spiritual thinkers, authors, and scientists of our time. These visionary minds help de Pape show how we can overcome limitations in our daily life to find our true potential – and reveals the heart to be a source of love and wisdom that far surpasses that of the mind.
Baptist is a spiritual explorer, author, and filmmaker, and graduate of the University of Tilburg Law School in The Netherlands.
Later, through thick and thin, one thing you can always count on is your friends showing love and support. But even the closest friendships can get complicated. I Know How You Feel: The Joy and Heartbreak of Friendship in Women’s Lives looks at every aspect of a woman’s friendship, loyalty and betrayal, support and competition, and the trials of love and marriage and the effect they and other changes can have on a lasting friendship.
Author F. Diane Barth has worked as a psychotherapist in New York for over 30 years and is widely recognized for her expertise in women’s relationships.
STOP! It’s a trap! You’ve heard people refer to marriage as an end to individuality, killing ‘me’ by becoming ‘we’. In The Rough Patch: Marriage and the Art of Living Together, clinical psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, PhD., explores that part of a relationship where the need to grow as an individual collides headlong into the demands of the relationship.
Daphne is a licensed clinical psychologist with almost thirty years of experience working with a wide range of mental health problems. As a research-trained clinician, she sees psychology as an evolving science, and continually integrates current research findings into her clinical practice.
Also today, Who Are You is not just a song by The Who, it’s a question you can stand in front of a mirror and ask. If you are not living the life you have always wanted, Abby Juan will help you reboot and change your reality in How Me Found I: Mastering the Art of Pivoting Gracefully Through Life. You will learn how to harness your own personal power to overcome living with fear and thrive on your terms.
Abby Juan was a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist until she became bedridden for close to two years. As a teacher, speaker, author, and Sherpa guide, Abby Juan assists others in walking their own paths to greatness in the same manner as she was shown.
Scott Stabile parents were murdered when he was 14 years old. His brother died of a heroin overdose when he was 23. Rudderless, Scott found temporary refuge in a cult that dominated his life for 13 years, until he knew he had to escape.
Scott shares his journey in Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart. A frequent Huffington Post contributor, Scott has a huge social media following for his inspirational posts and videos, and conducts personal empowerment workshops around the globe. Scott will be appearing at Third Place Book in Lake Forest on October 4, at 7PM.
Can you “win” your day, overcoming adversity before it even begins, in just two minutes every morning
NYT bestseller Neil Pasricha lays out the strategy to jump starting each day with a positive impact in Two Minute Mornings: A Journal to Win Your Day Every Day. Neil is a Harvard MBA and is the Director of the Institute for Global Happiness, and has one of the most watched Ted Talks of all time.
After decades of perfecting her methods of awakening the body’s innate wisdom, Suzanne created the comprehensive Healing From the Core training curriculum in 1994. Today it includes a robust selection of international workshops, webinars, speaking engagements and audio programs.
When was the last time you shone a little light in the world while simultaneously making your own life better? In Fierce Kindness: Be A Positive Force for Change, Melanie Salvatore-August provides an easy to follow recipe to combine compassion and courage into an elixir of uplifting action.
Melanie is an experienced life coach, yoga teacher, and Reiki healer who travels the country, speaking about creating a movement of positivity.
Two of the biggest traditions surrounding New Year’s are making resolutions and then not following through with them. Studies have shown New Year’s Resolutions run a paltry 8% success rate. Today, Helene Segura, MA Ed, returns to Conversations Live to help you become a part of that 8% by talking about what goes wrong and how to change it when you make that annual promise to yourself! Helene will be returning in February and March to help support you on your journey, so if you have any questions or challenges you would like her to address, send them to Vicki!
How many times has a project or situation in life or at work gotten so discombobulated that it seemed like you ran into a roadblock, leading to frustration setting in? The Clarity Compass by psychologist Dr. Brit Poulson takes you on a step-by-step journey to overcoming mental obstacles through conscious decision-making and clear perceptions on how to proceed… and succeed!
Listen to Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair every Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. For exclusive updates throughout the rest of the week, like us on Facebook, and follow Vicki St. Clair on Twitter!
Why are New Year’s Resolutions so hard to keep? Nearly everyone has made that annual pledge to improve some facet of their life at one time or another but few have ever stuck to them. Helene Segura, MA Ed takes an in-depth look at what happens between the well-intentioned resolution being made and the moment it gets ditched for old habits and provides advice on what you can do to make it stick this year! Helene is a time management consultant who combines neuroscience, educational psychology, and pop culture to teach her individual clients and keynote and training audiences how to improve their efficiency during their work day so they can have a life outside of it.
The Clarity Compass by Dr. Brit Poulson is an invaluable tool for professionals and individuals in all walks of life looking for a better way to settle disputes, overcome road blocks and achieve the results needed to succeed when life throws obstacles in your way. He uses a step-by-step approach to harness your emotional intelligence by having strategic “Creative Conversations”, discern objective facts from subjective stories, and improve your overall ability to articulate what you need and want. Dr. Poulson is the founder of The Clarity Compass Consulting. He teaches managers and executive-level personnel at professional development workshops for Fortune 500 companies. His background in group psychology provides him with a unique perspective that enables him to help professionals improve their relationships, workplace dynamics and careers.
It was a fight club… but without the fighting and without the men. Part manual, part manifesto,Feminist Fight Club by award-winning journalist Jessica Bennett blends the personal stories of a group of women who formed a secret group in New York City to combat today’s sexism and redefine sexist archetypes.
Through millenia, humans have been predators, leaning toward conquests, materialism, exploitation, and self-centeredness. Our tendency is not to trust. Maybe it’s time we model our body, mind and spirits after horses. Lead with Your Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horsesbyneurosurgeon and horse trainer Dr. Allan Hamiltonexplores how horses offer models of fairness, forgiveness, and leadership, yearning for harmony, tranquility and kindness.
Enjoy this encore presentation of Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair and tune in every Monday at noon Pacific or Fridays at 6AM on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
Once upon a time, you might have called it a consciousness-raising group. But the women who participate realize the problems of today’s working world are more subtle, less pronounced, harder to identify…and harder to prove… than those of their foremothers. These women weren’t just there to vent. They needed battle tactics. And so the Feminist Fight Club was born. Every month, the women would huddle in a friend’s apartment to share sexist job frustrations and trade tips for how best to tackle them. Author Jessica Bennett is an award-winning journalist and critic who writes on gender issues, sexuality and culture. She is a feature writer and columnist at the New York Times, and her work work has also appeared in Newsweek, where she began her career as a staff writer, Time, where she was a columnist, and Cosmopolitan, where she helps edit a quarterly section on women and work.
A horse trainer for over 20 years, Dr. Allan Hamilton found that since horses are prey animals, their partnerships are based on trust, while humans, predatory in nature, lack the natural instinct to trust others. In Lead with Your Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horses, he explores topics like mindfulness, stalking happiness, leading and following, and energy and emotion using the horse as teacher. Dr. Hamilton started his working life as a janitor. He would eventually go on to graduate from Harvard Medical School and complete his neurosurgical residency training at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He has authored more than twenty medical textbook chapters, fifty peer-review research articles, and has served on the editorial board of several medical journals.
It was a fight club… but without the fighting and without the men. Part manual, part manifesto, Feminist Fight Club by award-winning journalist Jessica Bennett blends the personal stories of a group of women who formed a secret group in New York City to combat today’s sexism and redefine sexist archetypes.
Through millenia, humans have been predators, leaning toward conquests, materialism, exploitation, and self-centeredness. Our tendency is not to trust. Maybe it’s time we model our body, mind and spirits after horses. Lead with Your Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horsesbyneurosurgeon and horse trainer Dr. Allan Hamiltonexplores how horses offer models of fairness, forgiveness, and leadership, yearning for harmony, tranquility and kindness.
Catch Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair every Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
Once upon a time, you might have called it a consciousness-raising group. But the women who participate realize the problems of today’s working world are more subtle, less pronounced, harder to identify…and harder to prove… than those of their foremothers. These women weren’t just there to vent. They needed battle tactics. And so the Feminist Fight Club was born. Every month, the women would huddle in a friend’s apartment to share sexist job frustrations and trade tips for how best to tackle them. Author Jessica Bennett is an award-winning journalist and critic who writes on gender issues, sexuality and culture. She is a feature writer and columnist at the New York Times, and her work work has also appeared in Newsweek, where she began her career as a staff writer, Time, where she was a columnist, and Cosmopolitan, where she helps edit a quarterly section on women and work.
A horse trainer for over 20 years, Dr. Allan Hamilton found that since horses are prey animals, their partnerships are based on trust, while humans, predatory in nature, lack the natural instinct to trust others. In Lead with Your Heart: Lessons from a Life with Horses, he explores topics like mindfulness, stalking happiness, leading and following, and energy and emotion using the horse as teacher. Dr. Hamilton started his working life as a janitor. He would eventually go on to graduate from Harvard Medical School and complete his neurosurgical residency training at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He has authored more than twenty medical textbook chapters, fifty peer-review research articles, and has served on the editorial board of several medical journals.
Food is not the culprit leading to overeating according to psychotherapist and eating coach Karen R. Koenig. In Outsmarting Overeating, she illustrates how boosting essential life skills such as physical self-care, problem solving, and handling emotions can propel you toward beating overeating rather than relying on sheer willpower.
Catch Conversations Live with Vicki St. Clair every Monday at noon Pacific on KKNW 1150AM or 94.9FM HD. Like us on Facebook and follow Vicki on Twitter for exclusive updates and contests!
Do you know what really triggers panic attacks? Are you a chronic worrier or have you ever self-medicated with alcohol or tranquilizers? According to mental health professionals, anxiety disorders have emerged as the common cold of mental illness. Dr. Chris Cortman and Dr. Harold Shinitzkyhave created a tool box of simple resources and self-help techniques with Take Control of Your Anxiety: A Drug-Free Approach to Living a Happy, Healthy Life, emphasizing a non-pharmaceutical, evidence-based approach to mastering anxiety. Chris Cortman, PhD has been a licensed psychologist for 28 years and is a much sought-after speaker, as well as providing psychological consultation at several hospitals. Harold Shinitzky, PhD has been a licensed psychologist for more than 20 years and was on the faculty at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Outsmarting Overeating by Karen R. Koenig explores eight essential life skills, illustrating how lacking in them can cause unnecessary eating. She picks up where diet books leave off, covering the difference between compulsive and emotional eating, why troubled eaters will never end their food problems if they dont’ improve their life skills, the psychology of eating, and how to combat rebound eating. Karen is a licensed psychotherapist, eating coach, and speaker who has authored five other books about eating and weight.