

Health & Wellness, Non Fiction, Science, Self-help

Sep 04: Brain Doctor’s 8-Week Plan to Focus Your Mind, Reduce Stress, Avoid Burnout

Dr Romie Mushtaq shares The Busy Brain Cure

The Busy Brain Cure with author Dr. Romie Mushtaq

At the peak of success as a neurologist, Dr. Romie Mushtaq suffered major burnout. “As a brain doctor,” she says “I should have known better.”

As if burnout wasn’t enough, Dr. Romie also needed life-saving surgery, and that gave her the wake up call she needed. Her quest to make significant and lasting change sent her on a global journey, searching for solutions to heal the many negative impacts of stress on our brains, bodies, spirits, and teams.

As we discuss The Busy Brain Cure: The Eight Week Plan to Find Focus, Tame Anxiety, & Sleep Again, discover why she says you should ditch diets, forget cleanses – and occasionally, why it’s okay to embrace comfort food to calm stress. We share how to reduce dependencies on caffeine by day, and sleep aids at night. Dr. Romie also shares how to remedy the root cause of ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia without addictive medications.

About Dr. Romie Mushtaq, Neurologist & Author

A board-certified physician, award-winning wellness speaker, and the founder of brainSHIFT, Dr. Romie Mushtaq combines more than 20 years of authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness to deliver programs and create cultural change. Dr. Romie currently speaks and consults for Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes, & global associations. She is also the Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) for Great Wolf Lodge. And was formerly the CWO for Evolution Hospitality, where she scaled a mindfulness & wellness program for over 7,000 employees. Her expertise is featured in the national media, such as NPR, NBC, TED talks, and Forbes.

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Health & Wellness, Nature, Self-help, Spirituality

Mar 13: Live Your Soul’s Purpose with Rebecca Wildbear

Restore Balance, & Heal Your Heart, Mind, & Soul

Wild Yoga with author Rebecca Wildbear

Rebecca Wildbear helps people restore mental and emotional balance in their lives the natural way.

Nature” she says “can align us with our instincts” and help us live our soul’s purpose.

In Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth Rebecca shares what she believes differentiates the soul from the spirit. We discuss the importance of stillness, of listening to trees, of sitting with the earth, of allowing. And how to “flow in the river of your heart waters”.

Meet Rebecca Wildbear

Rebecca Wildbear describers herself as an earth-centred writer and soul guide. She is the author of Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth and has guided Wild Yoga programs since 2007. She worked as a yoga teacher trainer at Nosara Yoga Institute, and now guides nature and soul programs through Animas Valley Institute.

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Inspirational, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Self-help

Jul 20: Live Your Authentic Life with Award-Winning Author Kate Eckman

Eliminate Perfectionism, Stop Procrastinating with The Full Spirit Workout

Did you promise yourself during Covid lockdown that things would be different? That you’d start an exciting creative project, quit your job, look for a career that fits you better. Or maybe you decided to work less and spend more time with family. Go back to school. Or simply play more. And then … life happened.

You’re not alone. Kate Eckman returns to Conversations Live to explore how we can overcome two of the biggest blockers to our personal and professional success – perfectionism and procrastination.

About Kate Eckman

As a former elite athlete, Kate Eckman deeply understands sports psychology and performance. She’s a  certified executive coach, working with leaders in business and sports, and the award-winning author of The Full Spirit Workout: A Ten-Step System to Shed Your Self-Doubt, Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, and Create a Fun and Fulfilling Life.


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Health & Wellness, Journalism, Non Fiction, Psychology, Science, Self-help

JUL 06: Caroline Williams with MOVE

How the Science of Body Movement Can Set Your Mind Free

If you hate working out, loathe gong to the gym, listen up!  New science shows how even simple movement can boost your mental health.

Journalist Caroline Williams interviews Nobel prize winning scientists, yoginis, athletes, and health experts and learned that while going to the gym is great, it may not be the best solution for you.

We share how stretching lifts the draining effects of an overactive immune system. What dance can do for your emotional literacy. How core strength can help control stress and anxiety. And why emotional resilience is strengthened by physical strength.

About Caroline Williams

Veteran science journalist Caroline Williams says “I like talking almost as much as I like writing”. She has produced radio programs and reports for the BBC, across Science, Natural History, and Children’s Radio. Caroline writes regularly for New Scientist magazine, and her work’s been featured in the Boston Globe, BBC Earth, and the Guardian. She was co-presenter of the New Scientist podcast. Move! How the Science of Body Movement Can Set Your Mind Free is Caroline’s second book.

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Health & Wellness, Nature, Non Fiction, Psychology

JUL 07: Dr. Rochelle Calvert – Healing with Nature

Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma

The WHO says more than 70% of us experience trauma; and 78% of those who’ve had a traumatic experience will develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, the average American spends 87% of their time indoors. It’s little wonder many of us spend most of our days with shoulders hunched around our ears.

Psychologist Dr. Rochelle Calvert shares how somatic healing, combined with mindfulness, and nature-based therapy, can help heal trauma and PTSD. We look at the science behind this therapy – and the research that shows the benefits of spending time in nature. We also share how to incorporate Dr. Calvert’s practices into everyday life.

About Dr. Rochelle Calvert

Rochelle Calvert, PhD is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Diego, and the founder of New Mindful Life. She specializes in mindfulness, nature-based therapy, and somatic experiencing. Dr. Calvert works with individuals struggling with life transitions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, pain conditions, and eating disorders. She also works with families of developmentally delayed children and adults. Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma is her first book.

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Health & Wellness, Nature, Non Fiction, Psychology

DEC 02: Sue Stuart-Smith on The Restorative Power of Nature

The Well-Gardened Mind

Connecting with nature is vital to long-term physical and mental health, and in her new book, Sue Stuart-Smith delves into why and how. She combines insights from the latest neuroscience, with personal stories, and her own experiences as a mental health professional.

We discuss what Sue means by a well-gardened mind, and how to cultivate one. We explore why nature inspires many successful artists, and helps unleash creative inspiration. How our brains change when exposed to beauty. And how we can use our natural green surroundings to allow nature to nurture and heal mind, body, spirit.

The book was published just months before COVID hit our shores and — with mental health issues at an all time high in the US — today is a perfect time to revisit our  conversation.

About Sue Stuart-Smith

She’s a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and author of THE WELL-GARDENED MIND: The Restorative Power of Nature — a Sunday Times Bestseller. Dr. Sue Stuart-Smith teaches at Tavistock Clinic in London, and is a consultant to the UK DocHealth Service.

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