
Personal Development

Non Fiction, Personal Development, Self-help

DEC 16: Unlock Your Radical Intuition with Kim Chestney

A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power

Nothing stays the same forever and as we move away from the information age, Kim Chestney says we’re at the start of the intuition revolution. It’s time to own your real power by tapping into your intuition – in business and in life.

We discuss what Radical Intuition means, and the difference between instinct and intuition. How radical intuition can help support your life and personal growth. And how knowing the 4 archetypes of intuition, and identifying your primary style, can help remove blocks and open up flow.

About Kim Chestney

An author, innovation leader, and the founder of Intuition Lab, Kim Chestney‘s work has been featured or supported by leading-edge organizations including SXSW Interactive, Carnegie Mellon University, and Hewlett-Packard. Kim’s new book is Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power.

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology

NOV 25: Slay Your Dragons with Compassion with Malcolm Stern

10 Ways to Thrive Even When It Feels Impossible

Many people struggle to find their life purpose. And with so much unrest and uncertainty in the world, some even say, why bother! But when things seem impossible, that’s when we need to dig deep, and Malcolm Stern shares 10 ways to thrive in his new book.

We discuss why he dabbled with hallucinogenics and what that did for him. How grief, after the suicide of his daughter, forced him to question everything and face his dragons head on. What he means by “breaking the spells that bind us” and why he says, with compassion, “the only heart worth having, is a broken heart…”

About Malcolm Stern

As a psychotherapist, Malcolm Stern has worked with individuals and groups. He teaches internationally, and is the cofounder and codirector of Alternatives at St James’ Church in London. His new book is a distillation of 30 years in the therapy room, SLAY YOUR DRAGONS WITH COMPASSION – 10 Ways to thrive even if it feels impossible

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Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development

NOV 18: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking with Michael Gelb

8 Secrets to Transform Fear and Supercharge Your Career

Michael Gelb says the #1 skill you can develop to strengthen your career and boost your confidence is public speaking. But it’s also our #1 fear. In fact, 74% of Americans suffer from glossophobia, the fear of public speaking.

So how can you learn to harness that fear and make it work for you? We discuss tips and tools used by professional speakers and actors – including mind mapping, The Alexander Technique, and Standease.

About Michael Gelb

Michael J. Gelb is a professional public speaker known for his life-changing presentations on creative leadership, genius thinking, and conscious business. He’s served as an executive leadership and presentation coach to major  companies such as AT&T, DuPont, and Nike. And has authored many books including the bestselling How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci.  His latest is Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: 8 Secrets to Transform Fear and Supercharge Your Career.

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Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology

SEP 23: Bridgit Dengel Gaspard on How to Get to The Final 8th

Why do so many of us stop short of completing our goals, even when we’ve worked really hard to get 7/8 of the way there? Bridgit Dengel Gaspard terms this phenomenon The Final 8th and  shares insights into the many reasons we don’t make it to the finish line.

We discuss what Bridgit means by our inner selves, how to tap into them, and why they often have competing motives. She highlights how to identify symptoms of inner selves that don’t communicate verbally, such as headaches and insomnia. And how our core beliefs can sabotage our efforts.

Author of The Final 8th: Enlist Your Inner Selves to Accomplish Your Goals, Bridgit Dengel Gaspard is a therapist, coach, and master facilitator of voice dialogue. She’s led workshops for the Omega Institue, the National Association of Social Workers, the Actors Fund, and others. A former performer and comic, Bridgit has a practice in New York and specializes in creativity blocks, transitions, and being stuck short of the finish line.

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Creativity, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology

SEP 09: The Power of Daily Practice with Dr. Eric Maisel

Many people thought they’d have time to tackle their personal projects during the pandemic. But few have. If working at home, juggling childcare, joblessness, fear, or uncertainty has you on hold, Dr. Eric Maisel, is the perfect expert to help. He’s devoted his career to the psychology of creativity, living with purpose, and getting the important things done.

We discuss what Dr. Maisel means by daily practice, and it’s probably not what you think. We explore the psychological and practical benefits of daily practice; discuss some of the 20 elements he identifies to make your practice successful. And how to overcome challenges. Eric also shares his interpretation of what’s really going on with procrastination … and it’s linked to anxiety.

Eric Maisel, PhD, is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of critical psychology, writing, creativity, and the creative life. He’s a former psychotherapist and current creativity coach. His new book is The Power of Daily Practice: How Creative and Performing Artists (and Everyone Else) Can Finally Meet Their Goals

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Non Fiction, Personal Development, Psychology

AUG 12: Thriving During COVID-19 & Other Crises with Dr. Jim Taylor

While we can’t control a crisis, we can control how we respond. Today, Dr. Jim Taylor shares a little science and a lot of practical solutions to help you transform from crisis mentality to opportunity mindset.

We discuss why anger can be good at the start of a crisis but then work against us. What Dr. Jim means by negative emotion chain. How to make better decisions when everything around us is crazed. And how our values may help, or hinder, us during bad times.

Dr. Jim Taylor is the author of How to Survive & Thrive When Bad Things Happen: 9 Steps to Cultivating and Opportunity Mindset in a Crisis. He’s internationally recognized for his work in the psychology of critical performance. And has authored 17 books, published over 700 articles, and appeared on major news networks.

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Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development

JUL 29: Navigating Change & Things Outside Our Control with Maggie Craddock

How are you coping with America’s pandemic, politics, cultural wars, and job losses? Has your life or career been impacted? If not, chances are, it will be – and wouldn’t you rather be ready?

Maggie Craddock uses the experiences of Titanic survivors to share lessons learned in Lifeboat: Navigating Unexpected Career Change and Disruptionlessons that apply to our business and personal life.

We discuss Big Ship Mindset and the benefits of Lifeboat Mindset. Why we should pay attention to ‘group energy’. How lack of trust in friends and colleagues often leads to isolation and distancing from our authentic selves.

Maggie Craddock is a veteran executive coach who works with Fortune 500 senior management. She’s also authored The Authentic Career and Power Genes.

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Health & Wellness, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Self-help

JUL 08: The 12 Rules of Attention with Dr. Joseph Cardillo

We often use the words mindfulness and attention interchangeably, yet they have quite different meanings says Dr. Joseph Cardillo. He returns to Conversations Live to explain how recognizing that difference can make a big impact on your happiness, at work, and with life in general.  We also discuss how to talk to your brain using visualization as a powerful method of communication, and what we can learn from nature.

Dr. Cardillo covers all of this and more in his new book The 12 Rules of Attention: How to Avoid Screw-Ups, Free Up Headspace, Do More & Be More At Work.

Dr. Joseph Cardillo is an inspirational speaker and sought after expert on energy teaching, as well as best-selling author of several books in the fields of health, mind-body-spirit; and psychology. He holds a PhD in holistic psychology and mind-body-medicine and is a regular contributor to Psychology Today, Live Happy magazine, and The Huffington Post.

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Business, Career, Non Fiction, Personal Development, Relationships

JUN 17: Good Talk with Daniel Stillman

What’s the difference between a good conversation and a transformative conversation?  Most often, it’s the difference between getting what you want from a conversation versus wishing you could get that time back.  Daniel Stillman designs conversations for a living.  Today, he discusses how real change is needed now, more than ever, and that change will not come through force, edict, or persuasion.  Our future will be built through conversation.

His new book, Good Talk: How to Design Conversations that Matter has dozens of tools and interactive components, making it an accessible handbook to navigate the conversations that matter.

Daniel works with organizations like Google, Nike and Visa to help them frame and sustain productive dialog, deepen their facilitation skills, and coach them through the innovation process.  He also hosts The Conversation Factory podcast where he interviews leaders, changemakers and innovators on how they design the conversations in their work and lives.

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Business, Career, Personal Development

APR 15: Peter Economy with his Management Mentor in a Book

Many of us have been in #StayAtHome mode for a few weeks, so have you been thinking about what changes you want to make when you return to work? Are you ready to up the ante and learn some new skills to help you be a better manager? Seek new opportunities?

Peter Economy‘s new book is a management mentor in a book and today we discuss traits of good managers, bad habits to avoid, how to handle toxic office politics, and the importance of learning to delegate effectively.

Known on as The Leadership Guy, Peter Economy is credited with more than 100 books and over 1500 articles. He consults with executives, executive coaches, and business consultants worldwide. His new book, Wait I’m the Boss?!? The Essential Guide for New Managers to Succeed from Day One.

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