How to Be Multiple: The Philosophy of Twins Explores Twinhood & What It Can Tell Us About Being Human
Wait, which twin are you? Who is the evil twin? Have you ever switched partners? Can you read each other’s mind?
Twins get asked the weirdest questions by strangers, loved ones, even themselves.
As a twin and professor of philosophy, Helena De Bres takes an indepth look at what it means to be a twin from personal and philosophical perspectives, including positive and negative stereotypes.
About Helena De Bres
Helena De Bres is Professor in the Wellesley College Department of Philosophy. Currently, she is researching the nature and value of memoir, and the question of what makes life meaningful. Earlier work in philosophy was on distributive justice in global politics. She has a major interest in creative writing, public philosophy and the intersection between the two. Lisa De Bres, Helena’s twin, drew all of the illustrations for How To Be Multiple.