Hiking Your Feelings

Unpack your trauma with wellness and wilderness enthusiast Sydney Williams, who went from eating and drinking away her feelings, to learning to embrace new possibilities while reclaiming her body, mind, and spirit.
But what if hiking isn’t your thing? Sydney explains in today’s conversation what she means by this and how you can adapt to suit your likes and lifestyle.
We discuss Sydney’s journey from a decade of heartache, self-loathing, anxiety, and stifled trauma to finding self-love and healing. Overcoming blame and shame. Finding healthy coping mechanisms. And the healing power of nature – rural and urban.
Meet Sydney Williams
Sydney Williams is the founder of Hiking My Feelings, a nonprofit dedicated to the healing power of nature. Her 15-year career in corporate communications included everything from working with Fortune 500 brands, to educating the public about the importance of stewardship and equitable access to recreational opportunities. Sydney has been featured in Huff Post, Psychology Today, U.S. News & World Report, and on the SXSW stage. A certified Wilderness First Responder, Sydney is an instructor at the Desert Institute at Joshua Tree National Park, an instructor at the Field Institute at Sequoia National Park, and a founding member of the Outdoorist Oath. Sydney Williams has been nominated for Woman of the Year by San Diego Magazine and Hiking Your Feelings: Blazing a Trail to Self-Love is her debut book.