Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age
Forget #FOMO and aim for #JOMO with the Marie Kondo of Digital. Christina Crook offers concrete solutions for thriving with tech. She shares why the internet was making her lazy as a thinker, writer, and friend – and why seeing a priest bless an old Blackberry was her tipping point.
From her book Good Burdens we discuss the elements of joy, the importance of commitment, the immense power of being brave. And what it takes to realign your energy and prioritize your wellbeing so that tech works for you versus the other way around.
About Christina Crook
Christina Crook is a pioneer and leading voice in the field of digital wellbeing. As the author of the award-winning book The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World and the leader of a global #JOMO movement, she regularly shares her insights in outlets including The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and the BBC. Christina Crook’s latest book is Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age.