Your health should be in your control, not lining a pharmaceutical company’s pockets. In Unmedicated: The Four Pillars of Natural Wellness, Madisyn Taylor reveals excellent techniques to treat depression and anxiety without resorting to medications, such as writing therapy, meditation and walks in nature.
Madisyn Taylor is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of DailyOM. She has more than 20 years experience in personal development and alternative healing methodologies and has contributed to national publications as well as guested on many radio shows.
Later, the things we are taught at an early age are oftentimes the ones that stick with us for the rest of our lives. It is critical that young girls are raised on positive messages of self-empowerment, that ultimately, they are accountable to themselves and responsible for their own happiness. In A Dad’s Fun Guide to Raising Daughters, John Griffith shows how these crucial lessons can lead to a young woman preventing boundary violations rather than working through the pain after a violation occurs.
John Griffith is uniquely suited what it takes to bring a young girl into womanhood, as he is a devoted father, currently raising three daughters. For most of their lives, he has been a single parent.